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4photos Cowboy Country Outfitters of Wyoming
Reviews about Cowboy Country Outfitters of Wyoming
/ 12 reviews and7 ratings
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Chris W.
November 17, 2021, 11:53 pm
Cowboy Country Outfitters ofWyoming isa First Class Operation. JW isamazing. Hemakes every effort toget your animal. Iwould not hesitate toRecommendHim. Wewill beback next year.
Jeremy W.
November 17, 2021, 7:20 am
JW isa one ofkindguy. Excellent hunt from talking tohim ata trade show tothe very end ofour hunt. Heexceeded our expectations ineverything hedid. Weended our trip withelk, aswell assigned upfor the following year. Ifyour looking for agreat guide and very knowledgeable look nofurther. Thanks JW
Dennis H.
January 17, 2021, 12:14 am
From the first time Imet cowboy outfitters was agreat experience answered every question. Ihave done anantelope hunt witch was anawesome time. Bybagging myfirst antelope. But did not stop there. Went back for amule deer hunt and JWdidn't give upuntil Igot mytrophy mule deer. For meit was mygreatest huntyet. Iam now waiting totell everyone about anupcoming elk hunt. Ican't wait.
Dean H.
January 17, 2021, 12:02 am
I recently booked anelk hunt with JWKinder and Cowboy Country Outfitters. From the beginning, the adventure was more than Ihopedfor. The scenery inthe Bighorn Mountains was breathtaking. Itwas alate-season hunt, sothe elk had “herdedup.” Igot towitness Satellite Bulls patrolling the perimeter ofthe herd. Igot tohear cow elk “chirp” for the first time. Igot tosee the power ofthe Herd Bull. Although Ididn't make the kill (might have been alittle Buck Fever!) Iwill NEVERFORGET that experience. Thanks JWfor helping mecross one off mybucket list!!!… – show
Korbin O.
January 15, 2021, 2:44 am
JW Thanks.You worked very hard onmy 1st Bull Elk hunt that Took memany years toget thetag.I will beback for more memories.
Steve W.
January 15, 2021, 1:36 am
I traveled over 22hours toWyoming for myfirst elk hunt not knowing what toexpect. JWdelivered! Iwould have considered ita success tosee any wildelk. JWfound about 75of them the 1st morning. Welet them bed for theday, began our climb tothe top ofthe mountain, and during the last hour ofthe 1st day wehad two elk down.This was amemorable trip with great scenery, lots ofgame and aguide who obviously knows the movement patterns ofelk inthe area. Iwould highly recommend JWand Cowboy Country Outfitters toanyone wanting tohunt elk inand around Wyoming's Bighorn Mountains!… – show
Rosie P.
January 14, 2021, 10:13 pm
I want tosay thank you JWKinder for such anamazing hunting trip inthe lovely state ofWyoming. Hewas very prepared totake ushunting, very knowledgeable, and JWdoes not quite easily. Even though wewalked alot onour hunt, wemost certainly enjoyedit. Wenever gave upbecause wetrustedhim, and thanks tothat wehad avery successful hunt. Wealso filled both ofour cow elk tags thanks toyou.. Wemost certainly will becalling you again for our next trip. Ifyou want ahunting guide that isawesome totravel with and talkto. Give this man acall, hewell worth the money for the amount oftime and effort that heputs forth.… – show
Scott G.
January 14, 2021, 8:11 pm
Great hunting experience onmy first elk hunt ever. Beautiful country and lots ofaction. JWsighted abull and cow entering athick tree stand early onour firstday. Weworked toget into position and wait themout. Itwas later inthe afternoon when another bull elk came charging infrom the opposite direction. Hewas running atfull throttle about 15feet from myspot. Itsounded like afreight train! Iwas sostartled that Inever raised myrifle. Ohwell, beginners jitters. Iwill bebacknext year toget mytrophyelk.… – show
Mark D.
January 14, 2021, 2:13 am
I was lucky tohave you asmy guide. Never realize how hard the work was toget anelk. You came through for meand Iwould doit again ina heart beat. Witnessed Mule deer and antelope
everywhere. Can't wait for our next adventure. The scenery was breath taking. Anyone would belucky tohave you asthere guide.
Thanks againJW.00
Mark D.
January 13, 2021, 1:37 am
Had another great hunt with JWat Cowboy Country Outfitters. This makes 8straight years that wehave hunted with him and taken Antelope, Mule Deer, andElk. You want tosee game check. You want tosee breathtaking views check. You want toget ashot opportunity check. JWworks harder than anyone Iknow atgetting you ongame. Ifyou don’t enjoy hunting with this guy then Western Big Game Hunting isnot foryou!!!
Carrie D.
January 13, 2021, 1:28 am
2020was myfirst time out hunting Ihad the time ofmy life wegot onbig herd ofelk… Great experience and trip ofa lifetime
Dave W.
January 15, 2019, 11:06 pm
I bought the last 3day cow elk hunt ofthe season and did not even un-case mygun the last 2days. When Ipolitely told JWthat Iwas frustrated with how the last 2days went, Ihad his finger inmy face and f-bombs directed atme. Ipersonally got the feeling that hedid not want toeven bethere. $2000doesn't get you very much when hunting withJW.
Company's official reply
January 18, 2019, 3:28 am
Mr Winters, Unfortunately had you been BETTER prepared toshoot atdistances ofless than 200yards, there would have been noneed touncase your rifle, YOU would have been done by2pm the firstday. Istate 100% opportunity which doesn't mean HARVEST!! Also, not sure you recall the weather dictated the rest ofyour 2days ofthe hunt, thus not allowing USthe best chances ofa successful hunt foryou. Icompletely understood your frustration HOWEVER the weather DICTATED the remainder ofyour time. Any sportsman SHOULD know that weather can play afactor inany big game hunt you goon, ALTHOUGH, again IREITERATE YOU HAD 100% OPPORTUNITY toleave with ananimal and you missed. Ialso recall after that long stalk onthe first day YOU STATED “YOU wasn't sure you'd beable todo that again ifthat's what ittakes toget anelk” which means tome, YOU again weren't prepared tobe SUCCESSFUL for this hunt. THERFORE, its unfortunate that you feel the need toleave anegative review when clearly YOU are asmuch atfault asthe weather was during your hunt.
My Best JWK… – show00
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- Wyoming
- Public Services in Wyoming
- Cowboy Country Outfitters of Wyoming