History of Randolph County, 1779-1979 – Access Genealogy (2025)

Table of Contents
Subject Index Name Index References
History of Randolph County, 1779-1979 – Access Genealogy (1)

Recognizing the need for an extensive history of Randolph County, the North Carolina Arts Council awarded a grant to the Randolph Arts Guild and the Randolph County Historical Society in 1977. This grant, along with local funds and support from the County Commissioners, enabled the organizations to research and publish this book. A very good book titled the History of Randolph County, 1779-1979.

Volunteers from both groups collected information and photographs. Charlesanna Fox, Carolyn Neely Hager, and Dwight M. Holland led the editorial process. Barbara Newsom Grigg provided significant contributions, including research and writing.

The book benefited greatly from the resources of the Randolph Room in the Asheboro Public Library, the Randolph Public Library system, and historical issues of the Randolph Guide. Additional assistance was provided by various university libraries, municipal and county offices.

This publication represents a labor of love by the Arts Guild and the Historical Society, intended to enhance readers’ knowledge of Randolph County. While acknowledging limitations in scope, the Committee hoped it would stimulate memories and further exploration of Randolph County’s rich history.

Subject Index

Academies, 56, 58, 101, 114, 115, 117, 204; List of, 267
Act Concerning Roads (1764), 24-25
Act for Better Care of Orphans, 29
Act for Dividing County of Guilford, 246
Advertisements (1800-1860), 42, 44, 79, 80
Agricultural Extension Service, 139, 140; Extension Chairman, 269; Farm Agents, 269; Home Agents, 269
Agricultural Societies, 42, 68, 70-71
Agriculture (To 1800), 17; (1800-1860), 67-71; (1860-1900), 94, 110, 111; (1900-1979), 183-189; Appendix, 276, See also Food and Cookery
Airports, 196-197
Alamance, Battle of, 31-33
Alcoholic Beverage Control, see Prohibition
Almanacs, 67, 69
American Revolution, 33-36
Amusements, 19, 22, 23, 45, 106
Animal Husbandry, 17, 186
Appendix, 246-277
Appomatox, Parole List, 93
Apprentices, 28-29, 65
Archdale, 84, 119-120, 143, 144, 152, 153, 203
Architects (1979), 276
Art, 219-220, 225
Asbury, Bishop Francis, 26-27, 28
Asheboro (Asheborough), 40, (1800-1860), 45-48; (1860-1900), 124-126; (1900-1979), 142, 143, 144-145, 161-174
Asheboro City Schools, 212; Superintendents, 269
Asheboro College, 213-214
Asheboro Female Academy, 56, 58
Asheboro Male Academy, 56
Asheboro Township, 129, 131, 137-138
Authors, 220
Automobiles, 129, 192, 195, 264; List of Owners (1913), 273
Aviation, 193-194

Back Creek Township, 129, 131-133
Balfour, Andrew, 36, 39, 135
Balloon Ascensions, 221
Baltimore Association of Friends, 92, 94
Batteries, 168
Banks and Banking, 43, 65, 125, 128, 154; Appendex, 274-275
Bell, Martha McFarland McGee, 27, 32, 35
Bell, William, 26, 27, 35, 38-39
Bibliography, 278-280
Blacks, Free (before 1865), 29, 72-73
Blacks (after 1865), 93-94
Blum’s Almanac, 67, 69
Boots and Shoes — Trade and Manufacture, 120, 170
Bridges, 99, 113, 136, 199. See also Covered Bridges.
Brokaw Estate, 118, 132
Broom and Brush Industry, 103, 150, 158, 167
Brower Township, 129, 135-136
Bryan, John, 36
Buffalo Ford, 33
Building Materials Industry, 191
Buses, see Motor Bus Lines
Bush Hill, see Archdale

Cabins, 17, 18, 22
Camp Caraway, 215
Camp Meeting Songs, 54
Camp Meetings, 48-50, 54, 107
Carriage and Wagon Making, 47, 121, 161
Carver College, 214
Caswell, Richard, 34, 39, 66
Cataract Operation, 44
Cedar Falls, 76, 87, 100-101, 105, 150
Cedar Grove Township, 129, 133-135
Cedar Square, 131, 132
Central Falls, 99-100, 105, 191
Charters, Municipal, see Municipal Charters
Chautauquas, 218, 222
Chronology, 251-256
Churches (To 1800), 26-28, 33; (1800-1860), 46-47, 50-54, 56-58; (1860-1900), 72-74, 80, 82, 84, 86, 93-94, 97-101, 103, 106-107, 117, 120-122; (1900-1979), 214-216; (Appendix), List of churches, 261-266
Circus (1839), 45
Civil Rights Acts of 1965, 128-129
Civil War, 81-91, 93
Civil War Songs, 84
Clerks of Court, 268
Clothing and Dress, 20, 22
Clothing and Dress — Manufacture, 161, 167-170
Clothing Trade, 190
Clubs, Civic, see Organizations
Coffin, Addison, 72
Coffin, O.J. Homecoming Day Poem, 182-183
Coleridge, 59, 97-98, 104, 106, 148, 151, 205, 215
Coleridge Township, 131, 135-137
Colton, Simeon, 47, 48, 50, 63, 64, 75
Columbia Factory, see Ramseur
Columbia Township, 129, 133
Communication, 24-25, 42-45, 48-50, 124, 129
Community Centers, 275
Community Life (1800-1860), 42-45
Community Organizations, see Organizations
Company K, 30th Division, 175-177, 277
Concord Township, 129, 133-135
Confederate Army, North Carolina Troops, Randolph County units, 83-84, 85-86
Confederate Monument, 141
Confederate Troops, Mustering Out, 84, 93
Confederate States of America, 81, 83-84, 87
Confederate Veterans, Ramseur, 87
Constitution of 1776, North Carolina, 65; Amendments of 1835, 29, 73
Constitution of 1868, North Carolina, 93, 94, 124, 129
Contractors, General, 276
Conventions, Delegates to, 246, 248
Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 35, 36
Corporations (1979), 276
County Courts, 24, 29, 38, 41, 43, 46, 65
County Commissioners, 4, 268-269
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 24, 41, 65
Court Houses, 39-40, 46, 139-140
Covered Bridges, 111-113, 128, 136, 154, 197-199
Cox’s Mill, 34, 37, 91
Crafts, 219, 224
Craftsmen Before 1860, 22, 63, 79-80, 85
Craven, Braxton, 43, 56-57, 59-60, 85-86, 94-95, 115-117, 123
Credits, 280-283
Crops, 17, 67, 94
Cross Roads, see Johnstonville
Cultural Activities, 218-221

Department Stores, 181
Depression of 1930-1939, 177-178
Deserters, see Outliers
Dicks’ Mill, 79
Drugstores, 190

Early Settlers, 250
Earthquakes, 152
1800-1860, 42-80
1860-1900, 81-126
Electric Utilities, 146-148
Epithets, 33, 34, 83
Election of 1864, 83-84
Exploration, 14-15

Fairs, 68, 70-72, 182-183
Faith Rock, 37
Family, 22, 59-61, 67, 201-203
Fanning, David, 35, 36-38, 122
Farm Equipment and Supplies, 191
Farmer, 114, 136, 188, 229
Farms, 17, 67-71, 111, 127
Fire Departments, Municipal, 144-146
Fire Departments, Rural, 144
Fires, 60, 121, 125
Flag (Randolph Hornets), 83
Flora, 12
Flour and Feed Trade, 132, 136, 150, 166, 191. See also Grist Mills.
Food and Cookery, 19, 59, 67
Food Industry and Trade, 160, 191
Foods (Native), 14, 17, 18
Forests, 10
Forest Service, 140, 146
Franklinville (Franklinsville), (1800-1860), 37, 76-78, 79; (1860-1900), 88, 101-102; (1900-1979), 143, 150, 151.
Franklinville Township, 129, 133
Friends, Society of, see Churches
Fuel Trade, 192
Funerals, 53; Funeral Homes, (Appendix), 272
Furniture Industry and Trade, 150, 154, 157-158, 159, 162-170

Gardner, Shubal, 24, 25, 122
Gates, General Horatio, 34
General Stores, 42-43
Gold Mines and Mining, 74-75, 107-110, 131; List of Mines, 259-260; List of Miners, 260
Government (Colonial Period), 29-30, 38-41; (1800-1860), 65-66; (1860-1900), 124; (1900-1979), 139-149. See also Municipal Government
Granges, 276
Grant Township, 129, 135-137
Gray, General Alexander, 40, 43, 55, 64, 66, 72
Grist Mills, 22, 23, 25, 45, 87, 132
Grocery Trade, 190-191
Guilford Court House, Battle of, 32, 35, 36

Hammer, William Cicero, Jr., 66, 124, 125
Hammer, William Cicero, Sr., 48-49
Hancock, John M., 91
Health, Public, 43-44, 60, 139, 140
Health Officers, 269
Herbs, Therapeutic, 60-61
Heroes of America, 84
Highways, see Roads
Historical Highway Markers, 14, 116, 258
Hoover — President Hoover’s Family, 17
Hosiery Industry, 96, 152, 154, 158, 159, 161-162, 165, 167, 168, 170
Hospitals, 226, 274
Hotels, 125, 191
Houses (To 1800), 17, 22, 30, 32; (1800-1860), 45, 59-60, 66, 67; (1860-1900), 90, 117; (1900-1979), 173-174; 201-203
Household Appliances, Small, 168
Howell, Rednap, 30-32
Hunter, Andrew, 37
Hunter, James, 31-32
Husband, Herman, 30-32

Implements, 17, 20-21
Indian Trading Path, 14, 15, 24, 25, 32
Indians, 14-15, 16
Industries (1938), 275
Industry (1800-1860), 76-79; (1860-1900), 87, 94-106; (1900-1979), 150-174, 184-185, 276
Insurance Agents, 192
Inventory of Estate (1785), 23
Iron Mountain, 88

Jackson, Andrew, 40
Jail, 24, 126, 140
Johnson, Sarah, Notebook, 60-61
Johnstonville, 24, 39-40
Judges, 272
Justices of the Peace, 39; List of for 1779-1865, 247-248. See also County Courts.

Korean War (1950-1953), 182

Land Grants, 23, 41
Lawyers, 40, 44-45, 47, 271
Lawyer’s Day, A, 178
Lawyers’ Row, Asheboro, 140
Letters (1800-1860), 72, 74; (1860-1900), 81-85, 87, 89, 90-92
Level Cross Township, 131, 137-138
Liberty, 112, 121, 142, 143, 144, 157-159
Liberty Township, 129, 133
Librarians, Public, 269
Libraries, Public, 139, 140, 146, 147, 151
Library, Ebenezer Church (1826), 57
Lineberry, W.H., 84-85
Livestock, see Animal Husbandry
Livery Stables, 103, 125
Lodges, 45, 101, 103
Lodging, 25, 64
Log Cabins, 17, 18, 22, 59, 70, 76
Long, John, Jr., 57, 64, 66
Lumber and Lumbering, 94, 136

McCrary Recreation Center, 228-229
Manumission Society, 72, 120
Maps, 16, 25, 39, 92, 126, 130, 244-245
Marion, Francis, 34
Marriage Bond, 54
Martin, Governor Alexander — Offer of Amnesty, 34
Mayors, 269-271
Medicine, 42, 60-61
Mental Health, 140-141
Merchandising (1900-1979), 190-194
Migration Out of the County, 33, 73-74
Migration To the County, 16-17, 18, 26-27
Militia, 66
Mill ViUages, 104-106
Millikan, William, 37, 39, 117, 122
Mines and Mineral Resources, 74-75, 88, 131, 133. See also Gold Mines and Mining.
Moffitt, Elvira Worth, 91
Money, 29, 43, 65, 128
Moravians, 16, 23, 33
Moseley, Edward, 16
Motor Bus Lines, 194-195
Municipal Buildings (1900-1979), 142-143
Municipal Charters, 250
Municipal Government, 42-45, 142-149
Municipal Managers and Clerks, 146, 271, 276
Mural, 220
Music, (To 1800), 23; (1800-1860), 49, 50, 54; (1860-1900), 84, 123; (1900-1979), 218-219, 221

National Guard, 177. See also World War I.
Needham, Jesse, 22
New Era (1875-1900), 94
New Hope Township, 129, 133-135
New Market, 122
New Market Township, 129-133
New Salem, 42, 65, 79, 80, 121-123
New Salem Township, 129, 133
Newlin, Joseph, 84
Newspapers, see Periodicals
Night of Terror, 108-109
1900-1979, 127-245
Nineteenth Century Communities, 121-122
North Carolina:
Randolph County Men in State Government, 260
State Debt (1865), 91
North Carolina General Assembly:
Representatives from Randolph County, 256-257
Senators from Randolph County, 256
Acts, 24-25, 29, 246
North Carolina State Highway Commission, 127

Oaths of AUegiance (1771), 32-33
Oaths of Allegiance (1781), 38
Office Equipment and Supplies, 191
Organizations, (1900-1979), 222-226
Orphans, 28-29, 65
Outliers, 82-89, 91

Paper Box Industry, 168, 170
Paper Money, see Money
Parades, 220-221
Parks and Recreation Departments, Municipal, 146, 230
Peace Movement, see Civil War
Peddler Licenses, 43
Periodicals, 42-43, 111, 124, 164, 176
Physicians, 44, 65, 271
Plank Roads, 61-62, 64, 84
Plays, 218-219, 221
Pleasant Grove Township, 129, 135-137
Police, 144, 276
Poor, 28, 40, 53, 65-66, 92-93
Population, 241-242
Postal Service, 43, 102, 111, 121; List of Post Offices, 258-259
Pottery, 14, 35, 131, 137, 138, 224, 276
Preface, 4
Prohibition, 217-218
Prologue, 6-13
Private Schools (1800-1900), 28, 56, 94; (1900-1979), 213-214
Providence Township, 131-133
Public Health, see Health, Public
Public Schools (1840-1860), 55-58; (1860-1900), 93;
Public Schools (1900-1979), 135, 203-214, 219, 275; Apportionment of funds (1914), 211; Report of County Superintendent (1914), 212-213
Public Welfare, see Social Services, Department of
Pugh, James, 31, 33

Radio Stations, 276
Railroads, (1800-1860), 82, 63-64; (1860-1900), 96, 103, 111-113; (1900-1979), 133, 195-197, 199; 272
Ramseur, (1800-1860), 50, 76, 77; (1860-1900), 102-104; 105-106; (1900-1979), 142, 143, 144, 150-151, 153-154, 202, 205, 207, 227, 230, 232
Randleman, (1800-1860), 40, 52, 76, 78, 79, 80; (1860-1900), 94-97, 106; (1900-1979), 142, 143, 147, 149, 152-156, 207, 208, 220
Randleman Township, 129, 137-138
Randolph County, Formation of (1779), 38-41
Randolph County in 1860, 80
Randolph County:
Auditor’s Report (1893), 272
Commissioners, 4, 268-269
County Managers, 142, 271
Department Heads, 269
Finance Officers, 142, 271
Statistics, 249-250
Superintendents, County Schools, 269
Randolph County Historical Society, 225
Randolph Hornets, 83, 85
Randolph, Peyton, 38
Randolph Technical College, 213
Real Estate Business, 192
Reconstruction (1865-1875), 91, 92-94
Recreation, 227-232
Red Strings, 84
Refugees, 182
Registers of Deeds, 268
Regulator Advertisements No. 9, 31
Regulators, 30-33
Retailer Licenses, 43
Revolution, see American Revolution
Richland Township, 129, 135-137
Rivers, 9, 134
Roads, (To 1800), 15, 24-25; (1800-1860), 61-64; (1860-1900), 84, 113, 121, 127; (1900-1979), 127, 133, 152, 194, 210. See also Plank Roads; Indian Trading Path
Robbins, Jeffrey H., 90
Rocks, 6, 88

St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church, 95
Salt Works, State, 82, 87, 88, 90-91, 120
Savings and Loan Associations, 128, 274
Sawmills, 134, 135, 136
Schools, Adult, 98, 107
Schools, Private, see Private Schools
Schools, Public, see Public Schools
Seagrove, 138, 143, 159-161
Segregation in Education, 209
Settlement, 17-23, 251
Sheriffs, 29, 268
Shopping Centers, 194
Slavery, 52, 72-73, 124
Social Life, 45
Social Services, Department of, 139, 140; Superintendents, 269
Sophia, 131
Spangenberg, Bishop August, 9
Spinks’ Farm, 34
Sports, 227-232
Springhouses, 60
Staley, 143, 158-160
Standard Weights and Measures, 43
Statistics, Miscellaneous, 249-250
Steed, J. Nat, 108-109
Superstition, 55

Tabernacle Township, 129, 131-133
Tavern Rates, 41
Taxation, (To 1800), 29-30, 33, 39, 40; (1800-1860), 65, 73; (1860-1900), 124, (Appendix), 246, 247
Telegraph Operators, 113, 271
Telephone, 147-149
Temperance Societies, 54, 120
Textbook, Handwritten, 28
Textile Industry and Fabrics (1800-1860), 76-78; (1860-1900), 87, 94-106; (1900-1979), 127, 150-154, 158, 167-168, 170
Theaters, Movie, 178, 231-232, 272
To 1800, 14-41
To the Tricentennial, 234
Tools, see Implements
Town Creek Indian Mound, 15
Townships, 129-138
Transportation (To 1800), 24-25; (1800-1860), 61-64; (1860-1900), 111-113; (1900-1979), 194, 200
Trinity, 59, 117-119, 152, 202, 208
Trinity College, 57, 115-117
Trinity Guards, 85-86
Trinity Township, 129, 131-133
Tryon, Governor William, 30-33
Twentieth Century Overview, 127-129
Tyson, Bryan, 82

Underground Railway, 72-73
Union Factory, see Randleman
Union Institute, see Trinity College
Union Township, 129, 133-135
United States Congress:
Representatives from Randolph County, 66, 266
Uwharrie Mountains, 6, 9, 131
Uwharrie National Forest, 10, 135
Uwharrie Trail Club, 135
Utilities, see Electric Utilities; Telephone
Uwharrie Rifles, 85

Vance, Governor Zebulon Baird, 82, 83, 85-87, 90, 91, 93, 94, 124
Variety Stores, 190
Vending Machines, 192
Vietnam War, 182, 276
Vote on Secession (1861), 73
Voting, 29, 73, 124

Walker, Thomas, Account Book, 68
War of 1812, 66
Weather, 68, 103, 189
Weddings, 54
Weights and Measures, see Standard Weights . . .
Welfare Department, see Social Services, Department of
Why Not, 137
Wise, Naomi, Ballad, 123
Women, Status of, 60
Women in the Confederacy, 86
Women in the Revolution, 35
Woodworking Industries, 103, 119, 150, 157-159, 161-162, 170. See also Furniture Industry and Trade
World War I, 175-177. See also Company K
World War II, 179-182; 277
Worth, Daniel, 52-53
Worth, John Milton, (1800-1860), 47, 62, 70; (1860-1900), 82, 84, 88, 89, 98, 100, 121, 124; (1900-1979), 214
Worth, Jonathan, (1800-1860), 44, 46, 48, 55-58, 62, 64, 71, 76; (1860-1900), 80-85, 87-91, 92-93, 94, 124
Worthville, 98-99, 104, 152

York, Brantley, 49, 50, 55-58, 107, 115
YMCA, 231

Zoo, 137, 232-233

Name Index

This index includes pages 1-243. It does not include the Appendix.

A & F Vending Service, 192
A. & P. Grocery, 192
Aberdeen & Asheboro Railroad, 111, 159, 199
Academy of Beauty Science, 214
Acme-McCrary Corp., 150, 161, 165, 184, 227-229.
Adams, Mose, 205
Adams, Solomon, 58
Adams family, 137
Adineal, John, 38
Adkins, Nancy E., 221
Agricultural Building, 140, 178
Agricultural Extension Service, 139-41, 186
Alabama, 73
Aladdin Hosiery Mill,. 158
Alamance County, 32, 77
Alberta Chair Co., 103, 150
Albertson, John, 41
Albertson, Mark, 121
Albertson, Phineas, 72
Albright, Lynn, 98
Albrights, R. L., Bridge, 199
Aldred, Thomas, 24
Aldridge, John, 38
Aldridge, Samuel, 101
Aldred, Pvt. R., 93
Alexander, James, 39
Alexander, Kemp, 161
Alford, Dr. J. B., 118
Allen H. Leonard Memorial Park, 203, 230
Allen, Hayden, Jr., 224
Allen, Jobe, 30
Allen, John, 30, 32, 56, 76
Allen, Joseph, 56
Allen’s Barber Shop, 155
Allen’s Fall School, 56
Allen’s Temple, AME, 216
Allred, E. S., 100
Allred, Elias, 38
Allred, Emsley, 47
Allred General Store, 151
Allred, J. M., 139
Allred, James M., 103
Allred, John C, 55, 57
Allred, Joseph A., 76
Allred, Joseph A. File, 74
Allred, Samuel, 74
Allred, William, 55
Allred, W. E., 100
Allred, Sgt. W. R., 93
Allred family, 183
Allridge, Pvt. W., 93
Allsheer Hosiery Mill, 158
Alpha Delta Kappa, 224
Aired, W. B., 96
American Association of Retired Persons, 224
American Home Products, 160
American Legion, Post 45, Baseball Team, 227
American Legion Posts, 223
Amick family, 183
Anchor Store, 162, 191
Anderson, Cora, 204
Anderson, John, 40
Anderson, Walter, 204
Andrews, C. M., 71
Andrews, Mrs. C. M., 70, 71
Andrews, Hezekiah, 43, 56,
Andrews, Capt. T. W., 85
Andrews, Wiley, 118
Andrews family, 183
Ann Carol Hosiery Mill, 170
Anson County, 38, 40, 66, 135
Antioch School, 211
“Applejack”, 228
Appomatox, Parole List, 93
Arch (Apparel), 170
Archdale, 62, 84, 119-120, 143, 144, 146-148, 152-153, 203
Archdale City Hall, 143
Archdale Civitan Club, 222
Archdale Creekside Park, 152, 230
Archdale, John, 120
Archdale Friends Meeting, 120
Archdale Lions Club, 222
Archdale Parks & Recreation Dept., 230
Archdale Pharmacy, 190
Archdale Police Dept., 144
Archdale Public Library, 146
Archdale Roller Mill Co. Inc., 120
Archdale School, 118, 211
Archdale Sertoma Club, 222
Archdale Water Supply, 144
Archdale-Trinity Pilot Club, 222
Archdale-Trinity Woman’s Club, 222
Arledge, Jesse, 57
Armfield, Adelaide, 205
Armfield, W. J., Jr., 125, 139, 154, 161, 202
Arnold, John, 39, 40, 41
Arthur, Cynvia, 220
“Art in the Park”, 220, 225, 237
Asbury, Bishop Francis, 26-27, 28
Asbury, Dr. F. E., 222
Ashburn, A. L., Jr., 160
Ashe, Samuel, 40
Asheboro (Asheborough), 40, 42, 44, 45, 46-48, 56, 58, 62-66, 75, 84, 86, 104, 108, 111, 113, 120-121, 123-125, 131, 138, 141-145, 150, 161-174, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 190, 217, 218, 220, 239
Asheboro Baseball Team, 227
Asheboro Beauty School, 214
Asheboro Broom Co., 167
Asheboro Business & Professional Women’s Club, 222
Asheboro Business Machines, 191
Asheboro Chamber of Commerce, 134, 188, 220, 223, 232
Asheboro, City of, I46
Asheboro City Offices, 4
Asheboro City Council, 143
Asheboro City Schools, 203, 210, 212, 225
Asheboro Civitan Club, 222
Asheboro Coach Co., 195, 200
Asheboro Coffin & Casket Co., 161
Asheboro College, 213-214
Asheboro Concrete Co., 191
Asheboro Country Club, 229, 231
Asheboro Courier. 123, 124, 126, 175
Asheboro Drug Co., 190
Asheboro Electric Co., 146
Asheborough Female Academy, 46, 56, 58, 212, 221
Asheboro Fire Dept., 144-146
Asheboro Furniture Co., 162
Asheboro High School, 208, 212, 219, 221, 228-229
Asheboro High School Baseball Team, 227
Asheboro Hosiery Mill, 162, 166, 184
Asheboro Junior High School, 212
Asheboro Kiwanis Club, 222, 226
Asheboro Lions Club, 222
Asheboro Lumber & Mfg. Co., 161
Asheborough Male Academy, 46, 47, 56, 66, 126, 212
Asheboro Memorial Foundation, 229
Asheborough Methodist Episcopal Church, 46, 47
Asheboro Ministerial Assn., 215, 222
Asheboro Motor Car Co., 149
Asheboro Municipal Airport, 135
Asheboro Municipal Building, 142, 178
Asheboro Municipal Golf Course, 9, 178, 229
Asheboro No. 1 School, 211
Asheboro Optimist Club, 222
Asheboro Parks & Recreation Dept., 146, 229, 230
Asheboro Pilot Club, 222
Asheboro Police Dept., 144
Asheboro Post Office, 178, 190
Asheborough Presbyterian Church, 44, 46, 47, 50, 98, 126
Asheboro Public Library, 140, 146, 219
Asheboro Roller Mills, 161, 162, 166
Asheboro Rotary Club, 222
Asheboro School (1890-1905), 211
Asheboro Sertoma Club, 222
Asheboro Stamp Club, 224
Asheboro Telephone Co., 147, 148
Asheboro Township, 129, 131, 137-138
Asheboro Veneer Co., 162
Asheboro Water Supply, 143- 144
Asheboro Weaving Plant, 162, 168
Asheboro Wheelbarrow & Mfg. Co., 166, 170
Asheboro Woman’s Club, 205, 222
Asheboro Wood and Iron Works, 161
Ashe Craft Furniture Co.,. 170
Ashlyn Hotel, 191
Ashmore, Walter, 38, 39
Ashworth, Joel, 83, 124
Ashworth, W. R., 124
Ashworth family, 182
Askew, Wesley, 50
Assembly of God, 215
Assn. for Retarded Persons, 226
Auman, Darius, 182
Auman, Dorothy C, 160, 161, 221
Auman, Frank, 159
Auman, Frank, Jr., 4
Auman, Jacob, 56
Auman, Jasper, 182
Auman, Jefferson, family, 201
Auman, Walter S., 160, 221
Auman, William T., 83-85, 221
Auman family, 182
Auman Bros. Feed & Seed Store, 191
Auman Lumber Co., 160
Auman Saw Mill, 136
Automatic Vending Service, 192

B & H Panel Co., 170
B & S Hosiery, Inc., 170
B.P.O.E. (Elks), 223
Bachelor Belles, 220
Back Creek, 37, 41, 129, 131, 143, 199
Back Creek Friends Meeting, 26, 27
Back Creek No. 1 School, 211
Back Creek School, 211
Back Creek Township, 65, 129, 131- 133
Bailey, William, 40
Bain, N. D., 47
Baldwin, Fred, 164
Baldwin, Lucy A., 47
Baldwin, Martitia, 70
Balfour, Andrew, 36, 39, 135
Balfour Elementary School, 212
Balfour Masonic Lodge, AF & AM 188, 45
Ball, W. S., 99
Baltimore Assn. of Friends, 92, 94
Bands, School Marching, 218
Bank Holiday (1933), 177
Bank of Coleridge, 154, 178
Bank of Franklinville, 178
Bank of Liberty, 178
Bank of Ramseur, 178
Bank of Randleman (Peoples), 177, 178
Bank of Randolph, 125, 163, 171
Bank of Seagrove, 178
Banks & Morgan Store, 121
Banner Hosiery Mills, 170
Bargain House, Randleman, 193
Barker, T. B., 159
Barlow, Harry, 223
Barnes-Griffin Clinic, 226
Barrett, C. A., 212, 214
Barrett, Mrs. C. A., 214
Barton, John, 39
Bassett Furniture Co., 150
“Battle Axe”, 97
Baxter, Kelly & Faust, Inc., 152
Bay Doe, 37
Beaman Corp., 158
Beasley, A. B., 152, 154
Back, Audrey, flyleaf, 220
Beckerdite, A. F., 70
Beckerdite, F., 70
Bedford, William, 74
Beekeepers’ Assn., 224
Beeson family, 138
Belk-Yates Dept. Store, 162, 191, 192
Bell, Martha McFarlajid McGee, 27, 32, 35
Bell, Martha McGee Bridge, 35
Bell, Mary, 195
Bell, William, 26-27, 35, 38-39, 40
Bellicourt Tunnel, 175-176
Bells Grove School, 211
Bell’s Meeting, 27, 28, 48
Bell’s Mill, 35
Belvidere School, 207, 208
Benge, Joel, 36
Bennett Telephone Exchange, 148
Benton, Jesse, 40
Bess Maid, Inc., 167, 184
Beta Sigma Phi, 224
Bethel Friends Meeting, 50, 72
Bethel Methodist Protestant Church, 86
Bethel School, 211
Betts Grocery Store, Asheboro, 191
Billingsly family, 31
Bingham, Betty, 204
Bingham, Lewis, 70
Bingham, Thomas W., 202
Bird, James, 56
Bird, Dr. Joseph, 118
Birkhead Mountain, 135
Bishop, William, 55
Black, Henry, 150
Black, J. A., 125
Black, Thomas, 83
Blair, B. F., 118
Blair, Mrs. Eliza, 70
Blair, Enos, 59
Blair, Enos T., 83, 124
Blair, J., 70
Blair, Joseph Addison, 93, 99, 124, 125, 126, 129, 221
Blair, J. L., 70
Blair, Mrs. J. S., 70
Blair, L. W., 70
Blair, Robert E., 50
Blair, Samuel W., 71
Blair family, 119
Blair and Plummer Wagon Works, 120
Blalock School, 211
Bloomington (Guilford Co.), 120
Blue Bell, Inc., 168
Blue Gem Mfg. Co., 168
“Blue Ribbon”, 166
Blue Star Memorial Highway, 181
Blum’s Almanac, 67, 69, 111
Boaz Mills, 151
Boling Chair Co., 158
Bolton, Cliff, 227
Bombay Institute (School), 204, 211
Bonkemyer, Carson, 184
Bossong, Charles G., 167
Bossong, Charles J., 167
Bossong, Joseph C., 167
Bossong Hosiery Mills, 167, 184, 227
Bost Neckwear, 170
Boyette & Richardson Drugstore, 125
Boy Scout Troop #570, 135
Bradshaw, George S., 99, 125
Bradshaw, W. S., 118
Brady, Claude, 150
Brady, Jeremiah S., 73
Brady, John, 73
Brady, John, 150
Brady, Julian, 151
Brady, Mathew D., 73
Brady, William, 73
Brady Mfg. Co., 151
Brandon, Dr. John M., 50
Brandt, Simon, 4.7
Branson, Clarkson, 70
Branson, John, 65
Branson, Levi B., 73
Branson, M. H., 213
Branson, Thomas, 56, 57, 70
Branson, Capt. Thomas A., 85
Branson, William, 56, 70
Branson family, 31, 138
Branson’s Mill, 138
Branson’s Mill Bridge, 113
Bray, E. H., 150
Bray, Eli, 74
Bray, Jesse, 57
Bray, Matthias D., 76
Breed, Joseph, 26
Brethren, Church of the, 27
Brian Center (Asheboro), 236
Brim’s Appliance & T.V., 242
Bristow, Samuel, 100
Brittain, B. F., 177
Brittain, John T., 125, 217-218
Brittain and Sapp Law Office, 125
Brockman, August, 47
Brockman, Mrs. August, (Bertha Raven Brockman), 47
Brokaw, William Gould, 118, 131-133, 149
Brooklyn Bridge (Ramseur), 154, 199
Brooks, Fitch, 164
Brooks, Josiah H., 44, 47
Brooks, William P., 96, 121
Brookshire, Benjamin, 55
Brookshire, Mannering, 36
Brookshire, William, 41
Brow, Dan, 70
Brow, H. L., 70
Brower, Abraham, 43, 157
Brower, Abram, 76
Brower, Alfred, 43, 76, 137
Brower, Alfred M., 76
Brower, Christian, 157
Brower, David, 36
Brower, Doctor, 55
Brower, Eli, 56, 57, 157
Brower, George, 55
Brower, Henry Lilly, 158
Brower, Jacob, 157
Brower, James W., 76
Brower, John, 157
Brower, John, Jr., 157
Brower, Nicholas, 157
Brower, Pvt. W. L., 93
Brower, Washington, 157
Brower, William, 55
Brower Company, 159
Brower No. 1 School, 211
Brower School, 178, 209, 211
Brover Township, 129, 131, 135-138
Brower’s Chapel Methodist Protestant Church, 49
Brower’s Mills, 82, 137
Brower1 s School (Asheboro), 211
Brown, Dr. Cecil, 230-231
Brown, Charles B., 150
Brown, Dempsey, 70
Brown, Mrs. Dempsey, 70
Brown, E. M., 159
Brown, Ethel, 208
Brown, Hardy S., 47, 70
Brown, Hugh L., 118
Broun, Capt. J. A. C, 85
Brown, Dr. J. L., 118
Brown, J. M., 121, 204
Brown, J. W., 151
Brown, John, 115, 117
Brown, John, 66
Brown, John B., 43
Brown, John D., 56, 57, 73
Brown, John R., 73
Brown, Morgan, 34
Brown, R. H., 43, 44, 70
Brown, Mrs. R. H., 70
Brown, Vernon, 204
Brown, W. A., 124
Brown, William, 33, 73
Brown family, 182
Brown & Bray Lumber Co., 150, 151
Brown’s Crossroads, 40
Brown & Luther Lumber Co., 150
Brown’s School, 56, 115
Brush Creek, 25, 36, 50
Brush Creek Bridge, 199
Brush Creek Primitive Baptist Church, 50
Bryan, John, 36, 39
Bryan, John, Jr., 41, 122
Bryan, William Jennings, 218, 221
Bryant, Stanhope, 95
Budd, Cecil, 223
Buffalo Ford, 32, 37, 116, 133, 199
Buie, Joe, 150
Bulla, A. N., 96
Bulla, Dr. Archibald C, 65
Bulla, Bolivar B., 44, 47, 124, 126
Bulla, Chester, 208
Bulla, Mr . & Mrs . Frank C., 207-208
Bulla, James, 44,
Bulla, James Ruffin, 44, 4-7
Bulla, Dr. Jefferson D., 202, 207
Bulla, Mayme, 208
Bulla, Miss Nannie, 221, 222
Bulla, Nell, 208
Bulla, Thomas, 40
Bulla, T. Fletcher, 177, 206, 213, 222
Bulla, Virginia, 208
Bulla family, 182
Bulletin and Randleman News, 141, 143, 145, 149, 134, 197, 205, 211-213, 221-222, 231
Bumpass, S. D., 76
Bunch, W. A., 143
Bunch family, 182
Bunting, Colin, 176
Burch, L. W., 120
Burgess, Daniel, 87
Burgess, Fred R., 221
Burgess, John, 38
Burgess, John C, 76
Burgess, John H., 103
Burgess, Oran A., 43, 47
Burkhead, J. Frank, 221
Burkhead, Lorenzo Dow, 70, 126
Burlington Industries, 152, 154, 168, 169, 170, 184, 241
Burlington Socks, 168
Burney, William, 56
Burneys Mill, 112
Burney’s Mill Bridge, 199
Burney Road, 135
Burns (Byrnes), Alexander, 65
Burns (Byrnes), Andrew J., 47
Burns, Barney, 126
Burns (Byrnes), Enoch, 47, 57, 65
Burns, Pvt. M., 93
Burns, Marjorie B., 214
Burns (Byrnes), Thomas, 56
Burns family, 182
Burns Carriage & Buggy Works, 161
Burns Hotel, 126
Burris, Murphy, 87
Burrus, Dr. J. J., 149
Burrow, Dobson, 66
Burrows, Jack, 227
Bush Creek, 88
Bush Hill (Archdale), 54, 84, 107, 119, 120, 124
Bush Hill Academy, 120
Butler, John, 31
Butler, William, 31
Byrd, Senator Harry, 159

Caddie, Robt. M., 70
Caddie family, 183
Cagle, Pvt. George, 93
Cagle, John C, 170
Calah Presbyterian Outpost, 47
Cambodia, 182
Cameron, Tura, 204-
Camp Caraway, 215
Camp Cedarwood, 231, 236
Camp Jackson, S. C, 175-176
Camp Mackall (Hoffman, N.C.), 180
Camp Sevier, S.C., 175
Campbell, J. E., 100
Campbell, Laughlin, 24
Cancer Society, 226
Cane Creek Friends Meeting, 26, 32
Cape Fear River, 9, 24
Cape Fear road, 24, 25
Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, 103, 111, 133, 157, 158
Capel, A. W. E., 103
Capitol Theater (Asheboro), 232
CAR Drugs, 190
Caraway, 54, 72
Caraway Creek, 14, 22, 26, 108, 131, 199
Caraway Furniture Mf g., 170
Caraway Library, 57
Caraway Mountain, 24, 25, 131
Caraway Race Track, 227
Caraway School, 205
Caraway Wesleyan Methodist Church, 54
Carolina Power & Light Co., 146-147
Carolina Prophyllite Mining Co., 159
Carr, 0. ¥., 85, 118, 192
Carter, H. B., 103
Carter, Ruth, 16
Carter, William, 58
Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 23, 74
Caruthers, E. W., 37
Carver College (Asheboro), 213, 214
Caswell, Richard, 34, 39, 66
Catawba Indians, 15
Caudle, J. H., 96
Caudle family, 123
Causey, Joseph, 65
Causey family, ]83
Cavaniss, Cpl. J. F., 93
Cavaniss, Pvt. W. J., 93
Caveness, John M. 97, 98, 151
Caveness, John M. (Ramseur), 151
Caveness, Dr. Robert, L., 98, 148, 151
Caviness, Ambrose L., 180
Caviness, Annie, 180
Caviness, James H., 180
Caviness, Joseph L., 180
Caviness, Levi, 180
Caviness, Mamie, 180
Caviness, Nora, 180
Caviness, Rosa F., 180
Caviness, Virginia, 214
Caviness family, 183
Cedar Falls, 62, 76, 77, 87, 100, 101, 105, 107, 111, 113, 150, 153, 199
Cedar Falls Baptist Church, 50, 100
Cedar Falls Lions Club, 222
Cedar Falls Mfg. Co., 76, 77, 100-101, 105, 161, 184
Cedar Falls Methodist Episcopal Church, 100
Cedar Falls Methodist Protestant Church, 100
Cedar Falls School, 211, 212
Cedar Grove Township, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136
Cedar Square, 131, 132
Cedar Square Friends Meeting, 50
Cedar Square School (Liberty), 211
Cedar Square School (New Market), 211
Center Friends Meeting, 27
Center School, 211
Central Carolina Art St Craft Show, 220
Central Falls, 62, 99-100, 105, 152, 168, 184, 191, 197-198, 199
Central Falls Baptist Church, 99
Central Falls Lions Club, 222
Central Falls Mfg. Co., 99, 100
Central Falls Methodist Episcopal Church, 99
Central Falls School, 105, 211
Central Falls Store, 100
Central Furniture Co., 170
Central Gas & Appliance Co., 192
Central High School (Asheboro) , 212
Central Hotel, 125
Central Methodist Church, 216
Central Telephone Co., 148, 243
Central Telephone Co., Women’s Assn., 224
Certified Concrete Co., 191
Cetwick, Clara, 170
Cetwick, E. L., 170
Cetwick Silk Mills, 170
Chamness, William, 55
Champagne Dye Works, 170
Charlotte School, 211
Charmeuse Hosiery Mill, 170
Chatham County, 9, 16, 26, 36, 45, 62, 64, 72, 82, 93, 180
Cheek, Paul, 227-228
Cheeks, 121
Cheek’s Mill Bridge, 199
Chess Club, 224
Chip, J. B., 170
Chrisco, Mr., 49
Chrisco family, 137
Christian Sun, 42, 124
Christian Union Christian Church, 50
Christmas Seals, 226
Chrysanthemum Shows, 222-223
Church, H. F., 120
Church of God, Asheboro, 215
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, 215
Church of the Nazarene, 215
Church Women United of Randolph, 216
Churchill, The Rev. Orrin, 84
Civil Air Patrol, 196
Civil Rights Acts of 1965, 128-129
Civil Preparedness Office, 140
Civilian Conservation Corps, 178
Clapp, John, 94
Clark, John, 40
Clark, JohnW., 86, 146, 150
Clark, Joseph, 118
Clark, Walter, 85, 86
Clark, William, 43, 55, 70, 76, 80, 121
Climax, 103, HI, 133, 149
Clodfelter, Guy, 227
Clodfelter family, 138
Cloverleaf Farm Country Ham, 191
Coble, Daniel, 47
Coca-Cola Bottling Co., 191
Cocke, William, 40
Coe, John, 55
Coffin, Abel, 72
Coffin, Addison, 72
Coffin, B. F., 76
Coffin, Elisha, 56, 76, 77, 78, 79
Coffin, Emory, 76
Coffin, John M., 76, 78, 101
Coffin, Levi, 73
Coffin, Oscar Jackson, 182-183, 221
Coffin, Vestal, 73
Coffin family, 183
Coffin & Clark, UU
Coffin & Scarboro, 190
Coffin’s Mills, 77
Coggins, Miss A., 103
Coggins, Miss Elizabeth, 103
Cole, J. E., 148
Cole, James A., 97
Cole, Waymon, 224
Cole, William, 38, 39
Cole family, 137
Coleman, Edward R., 159
Coleman Gas Plants, 147
Coleman Hunting Lodge, 159
Coleridge, 59, 97-98, 104, 106, 137, US, 151, 205, 209, 215, 231
Coleridge Horse Show, 231
Coleridge Hotel, 98
Coleridge Lions Club, 222
Coleridge No. 1 School, 211
Coleridge No. 2 School, 211
Coleridge Power Plant, 148
Coleridge School, 98, 205, 209, 211
Coleridge Telephone Exchange, 148
Coleridge Tounship, 131, 135-137
Coleridge Volunteer Fire Dept., 1U
Cole’s Ridge, 97
Collett, E., 118
Collet (Map), 25
Collier, John, 36, 38, 39, 66
Collins, John, 59
Color Chip Corp., 170
Colton, Peter, 70
Colton, Dr. Simeon, 47, 4.8, 50, 56, 63, 64, 66, 75
Colton, Mrs. Simeon, 56, 70
Coltran, David, 38
Coltrane, A. B., 203
Coltrane, Daniel Branson, 86
Coltrane, David, 76
Coltrane family, 138, 182
Coltrane’ s Mill, 45, 199
Capt. Coltrain’s Muster Ground, 57
Columbia (village of), 103-104
Columbia Mfg. Co., 76, 103, 104, 106, 150, 154, 180, 184
Columbia No. 1 School, 211
Columbia No. 2 School, 211
Columbia Township, 103, 129, 131, 133
Comer Machinery Co., 151
Commissioners (Randolph County), 4, 139-142, 199, 268-269
Commonwealth Hosiery Mills, 152, 184
Company K, 30th Division, 175-177, 277
Community Concerts, 218
Concord Methodist Church, Coleridge, 98
Concord No. 1 School, 211
Concord No. 2 School, 211
Concord Township, 129, 131, 133-135
Cone Mills, 154
Confederate Monument, 141
Confederate Veterans, Ramseur, 91
Continental Congress, 38
Contract Steel Sales, Inc., 159
Cooper, A. J., 159
Cooper, Mrs. F., 70
Cooper, Jeremiah, 55, 57
Copeland & Marsh Store, 103
Copeland, James, 33
Corn Clubs, 139, 184
Cornelison, C. H., 159
Cornelison, D. A., 159
Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 35, 36
Cortner, George, 39
Cosmetologists Assn., 224
Cosand, Edwin D., 43
Council, John T., 156
Country Life 124
County Hcue, 139 (see also Poor)
County Manager, 141-142
Court Houses, 39-40, 46, 126, 139-140, 178
Courier Tribune, 103, 124, 204, 208
Covington, Aubrey, 87
Cowan, Edward, 24
Coward, J. Gurney, 151
Coward family, 182
Cox, Arthur, 184
Cox, Ben j amen, 41, 56
Cox, Pvt. G. W., 93
Cox, Harmon, 32, 33, 39, 56
Cox, Herman, 24
Cox, Isaac, 38
Cox, Col. J. D., 81
Cox, J. V., 159
Cox, Jesse, 55
Cox, John C, 113
Cox, Joshua, 76
Cox, Joshua, Jr., 55
Cox, Kirby D., 148
Cox, Levi, 87
Cox, Marshall R., 159
Cox, Michael, 57, 76
Cox, Nathan, 59, 116
Cox, Nathan M., 76
Cox, Nathaniel, 41
Cox, Nathaniel Bridge, 199
Cox, 0. R., 95, 100, 124, 162
Cox, Preston, 151
Cox, Ralph, 184
Cox, Rebecca, 70
Cox, Reuben, 56
Cox, Robert, 44
Cox, Roy, 124, 164, 177
Cox, Thomas, 56
Cox, Thomas (of Win.), 56
Cox, Tom A., 113
Cox, William, 76
Cox family, 31, 182
Capt. Cox’s, 57, 75
James Cox’s Store, 57
Cox’s Mill, 25, 34, 37, 91
Cox Power Plant, 152
Crafford’s Path, 25, 133
Cranford, Charles L, 162
Cranford, Chisholm C., 162, 171, 221, 222
Cranford, Edward H., 162
Cranford, J. L., 204
Cranford, John, 221
Cranford, McLaurin, 170
Cranford, N. L., 204
Cranford, Samuel D., Jr., 162
Cranford, Seth, 56
Cranford family, 183
Cranford Furniture Co., 162
Cranford Industries, 162
Cranford’s Muster Ground, 57
Craven, Alton W., Sr., 180
Craven, Braxton, 43, 56-57, 59-60, 85-86, 94-95, 115-117, 123, 218
Craven, Charles, 202
Craven, Daniel, 38
Craven, Henry, 38
Craven, Henry, 103
Craven, I. Fletcher, 180
Craven, Dr. J. L., 118
Craven, John, 66, 78
Craven, John A., 43, 50
Craven, Joshua, 40, 55, 66
Craven family, 31, 137
Craven & McCain Store, 43
Crawford, William, 40
Crawford Knitting Co., 170
Creasman, Pvt. J., 93
Credit Bureau, 223
Crocker, James T., 124, 126
Croft, Bob E., 223
Cromartie, V. K., 4
Crooks, Adam, 52
Cross Creek, 24, 39
Cross Roads (Johnstonville), 24, 35, 36, 39, 40
Crossroads School (Liberty), 56
Crossroads School (Richland), 211
Crowell, Dr. John Franklin, 117, 202
Crown Bottling Co., 191
Crown Milling Co., 162
Crowson, A. S., 46, 126
Crowson, E. J., 46
Crutchfield, J. J., 103
Crutchfield, James Henry, 181
Culler, Louise, 220
Cullom, Prof. A. N., 221
Cullom, E. Mcintosh, 221
Cullom School of Music, 221
Curtis, Mrs., 44
Curtis, A. W., 148
Curtis, Benjamin, 38
Curtis, G. W., 148
Curtis, John, 38
Curtis, Samuel, 33
Curtis, Sarah, 74
Curtis, Thomas, 38
Curtis, W. M., 100
Curtis Mill Bridge, 199
Curtis Theater, 157
Curtis JN4D Biplane, 195
Cushion Knit Corp., 170

“Dainty Biscuit” Flour, 150
Dairymen ‘ s Club, 224
Daughters of the American Revolution, 223
Davenport, Miss, 121
Davidson County, 44, 52, 64, 82, 86
Davis, Enoch, 39
Davis, Sgt. J. C, 93
Davis, Jesse, 58
Davis, Lindsey, 58
Davis, Mae, 148
Davis family, 182
Davis Guards, 85, 93
Davis Mountain School, 211
Deal, R. P., 152
Dean, Wesly, 57
Deaton Lumber Co., 158
Deaton Novelty Works, 158
Deaton Pharmacy, 190
Deep River, 9, 16, 25, 26, 32-37, 76-78, 87, 88, 94, 99, 102, 106, 121, 123, 131, 133-135, 150, 159, 184, 185, 199
Deep River Dyeing Co., 243
Deep River Masonic Lodge, AF & AM 164, 45
Deep River Mfg. Co. 1850-1879, (Ramseur), 76, 103
Deep River Mills (Randleman), 152, 184
Delisle, Jane L., 4
Delk, Charles, 184
Delta Kappa Gamma, 224
Dennis, William, 121
Dennis family, 138
Denton Telephone Exchange, 149
Dependable Hosiery Mill, 158, 185
Detachment I, 1131st Signal Co., 177
Dick, Robert P., 44
Dick, William, 157
Dicks, James, 55, 57, 76, 79, 95
Dicks, Nancy Coltrane, 95
Dicks, Peter, 44, 121
Dicks, Robert P., 95, 154, 156
Dicks Mill, 76, 79, 155, 156
Dickson, Mathew L., 47
Diffee, Alfred M., 94, 99, 126
Diffee, John, 55
Diffy, William, 38
“Dinner on the Grounds”, 215
Disabled American Veterans, 223
Dix (Dies), William, 38
Dixie Furniture Co., 162
Dixie Yarns, Cedar Falls, 76, 184
Dixon, Ben F., Sr., 175
Dixon, Capt. Ben F., Jr., 175-176
Dixon, John, 151
“Doctor Mendenhall’s Pills”, 42
Dombrowski, Edward, 170
Donaldson, Thomas, 33
Dorian Hosiery, Inc., 170
Dorsett, Henry, 56, 73
Dorsett, John, 47
Dorsett, Joseph G., 118
Dorsett, Marsh, 56
Dorsett, Will, 113
Dorsett family, 182
Dougan ( Duggan ), Harvey A., 207
Dougan (Duggan), Sgt. T. H., 93
Dougan, Thomas, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40
Dougan, William, 57
Dove, Dunk, 150
Dove, Tracy, 150
Dove family, 183
Dove, Pritchard & Co., 99
Downing, John, 38
Drake, J. M. A., 44, 47, 70, 71
Drake, Meggie, 70
Dreamland Mattress Co., 167, 184
Duke, Washington, 117
Duke University Archives, 4
Duke Power Co., 147
Dulcimer, 23
Dunbar, John, 70
Dunbars Bridge, 199
Duncan, Asenath M., 74
Duncan, Charles, 66
Duncan, Robert, 35
Dunkers, 27, 33
Dunlap, C, 118
Dunn, A. C, 229
Dunns Crossroads School, 211
Durham, 94, 117-119
Duskins, Jeremiah, 55

Eagles Stores, 190
“Earth, Fire and Water”, 219
East, John, 190
East Side Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Easter Seals, 226
Eastern Randolph American Legion Baseball Team, 227
Eastern Randolph Senior High School, 208-210, 212, 229
Ebenezer Church Library, 57
Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church, 57
Eckerd’s Drugs, 190
Economy Drug Store, 190, 240
Eden (Randolph Co.), 44
Edgar, 121, 131
Education, County Board of, 140-141, 219
Educators, Assn. of, 224
Elberson, Pvt. J. H., 93
Elder, Betty, 58
Elder, John, 57, 117
Elder, W. N., 118
Eldridge, Rube, 227
Eleazer, 9, 121
Eleazer Methodist Episcopal Church, 216
Eleazer School, 211
Elections, Board of, 141, 240
Elkins, Bob, 150
Elliott, Benjamin, 76
Elliott, Blanche, 204
Elliott, David, 191
Elliott, Henry B., 56, 57, 62, 64, 70, 76, 126
Elliott, James, 64, 71
Elliott, Martha, 70
Elliott, Mary, 40
Elliott, Samuel, 47
Elliott, Homey & Co., 77
Elliott Office Equipment Co., 191
Elmore, C. E., I64, 177
Emerson, James, 33
Engleworth Cotton Mills, 95
English, Gilbert, 227
English, Zeola S., 186
English family, 119
Enterprise Bridge, 199
Enterprise Mfg. Co., 97, 151
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 215
Erect, 45, 114
Erlanger Mills, 152
Eshelman, A. F., 119
Esthonia, 182
Evangelical and Reformed Church, 215
Evans School, 56
Evergreen, 43
Eveready Battery Division, 168
Extension Homemakers Clubs, 186

Fair Grove School, 211
Fairmont School, 205, 211
Fairview Park, 118, 131, 132
Faith Baptist Church, 214
Faith Christian School, 214
Faith Rock, 37
Fall Festivals, 219, 225, 237
Fanning, David, 35, 36-38, 122, 137
Fanning, Edmund, 30, 31, 32
Farlow, Isaac, 37
Far low, James, 55
Farlow, Michael, 55
Farlow, Nathan, 16
Farlow family, 182
Farm Agent, 139, 185
Farm Bureau, 185
Farmer, 114, 229, 199, 221
Farmer Cornet Band, 221
Farmer Grange, 185, 230
Farmer High School, 114, 205, 206, 209, 211, 229
Farmer Lions Club, 222
Farmer Telephone Exchange, 148
Farmer Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Farmers’ Alliance, 121, 185, 223
Farmers’ Union, 185, 221, 223
Farmers Cooperative Exchange (FCX), 191
Fayetteville, 24, 47, 62-64, 78, 101, 119, 137
Fayetteville & Western Plank Road, 61-62
Fayetteville & Western Rail Road Co., 64
Fayetteville Street Baptist Church, 214
Fayetteville Street School (Asheboro), 212
Federal Building, 78
Feemster, Pauline Elliott, 148
Feezor, Walter, 204
Fennerson, R. B., 151
Fentress, Clark, 58, 121
Fentress, Thomas, 57
Ferree, A. I., 164
Ferree, John H., 94-96, 98, 99, 103, 156
Ferree, T. S., 124
Ferree, T. T., 124
Ferree family, 182
Fetner, Kate, 221
Field, Jeremiah, 24
Fieldcrest Mills, 152
Fieldcrest Women’s Softball Team, 228
Fields, John, 24
Fields, William D., 70
Fields family, 31, 138
Finance Officer, 141-142
Finch, Bradshaw & Co., 118
First Alliance Church, 215
First Baptist Church, Asheboro, 216
First Baptist Church, Trinity, 119
First Congregational Church, Strieby, 107
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Asheboro, 215
First National Bank of Randolph County, 171, 193, 220
First Peoples Savings & Loan Assn., 193
Fisher, Basil John, 107, 110, 195
Fisher, H. C, 118
Fitzgerald, Morgan, 148
Fleta Lumber Co., 150
Flint Hill (Hoyle), 121
Flint Hill School, 211
Flint Hill (Caraway) Wesleyan Methodist Church, 52, 54
Floyds, J. M., Bridge, 199
Folwell, Thomas, 120
Fontaine, F. A., 151
Forest Service, 140, 146
Fork Creek, 137, 138, 157, 199
Forrester, J. 0., 103, 151
Forrester, Joe M., 184
Fort Fisher, 88
“43”, The Petty Story, 219
Foster, A. G., 84
Foster, Dr. G. A., 148
Foster, John H., 76
Foulkes, Capt. James K., 85
Four-H Clubs, 186-137, 231
Foushee, J. M., 159
Foust, A. S., 100
Foust, Isaac H., 76, 78, 101, 202
Foust, Pvt. J., 93
Foust, V. H., 103
Foust’s Mill, 45, 81, 97
Fouler, W. P., 231 ‘
Fox, Charles M., 190
Fox, Charlesanna L., 4
Fox, Dennis B., 221
Fox, James C., 227
Fox, John V., 227
Fox, Dr. L. M., 103
Fox, Maud, 105
Fox, Dr. W. A., 97
Fox family, 137, 182
Fox, C. P. Saw Mill, 159
Fox Professional Drug Co., 190
Fox-Richardson Drug Co., 190
Franklinville (Franklinsville), 4,37, 45, 56, 62, 76-78, 79, 81,86, 88, 101-102, 107, 111, 113, 143, 147, 150, 151, 153, 178, 184, 199, 222
Franklinsville Baptist Church, 101
Franklinville Bridge, 113, 119
Franklinville Fire Dept., 144, 146
Franklinville Lions Club, 222
Franklinsville Mfg. Co., 76-77, 101, 106
Franklinsville Methodist Episcopal Church, 101
Franklinville No. 1 School, 211
Franklinville Police Dept., 144
Franklinville Riverside Band, 150
Franklinville School, 101, 206, 209, 211
Franklinville Town Hall, 143
Franklinville Township, 129, 131, 133
Franklinville Water Supply, 144
Fraser’s Mill, 25
Frazer, Alex, 58
Frazer, Perry, 71
Frazer, R. W., 99
Frazier, Allen M., 115
Frazier, C. G., 159
Frazier, E. Winston, 120
Frazier, Ed, 139
Frazier, E. D., Bridge, 199
Frazier, Dr. F. Cicero, 118
Frazier, J. R., 120
Frazier, Jesse, 120
Frazier, W. R., 118
Frazier family, 119
Frazier, Winston, Harness Shop, 120
Frazier’s Park (Asheboro), 230
Frazier’s School, 56
Free, Solomon, 56
Freedom Park (Liberty), 230
Freeman, Mrs. F., 118
Freeman, J. L., 120
Freeman, John, 150
Freeman, Liz, 123
Free’s School, 211
Freeze, E. W., Sr., 152
Friendship Methodist Episcopal Church (Ramseur), 103
Friendville (Conservative Society of Friends), 215
Frohock, John, 30
Fruit, Thomas, 57
Fruit family, 31
Fuller, E. W., 158
Fuller, Henry, 55, 70, 71
Fuller’s Ford, 26
Fuller’s Mill Bridge, 113, 199
Fulp, W. W., 167
Fuqua, Obediah, 74
Furgerson, Pvt. L., 93
Futrell, Sgt. T. A., 93

Gallimore, Harold, 187
Gannaway, W. T., 118, 119
“Gardener’s Story”, 219
Gardner, Dolphin, 56
Gardner, Shubal, 24, 25, 122
Gardner Inn, 25, 122
Garner, Allen, 227
Garner, C. Roby, 227
Garner, Frederick, 43
Garner, James, 39
Garner, W. C, 149
Garner family, 182
Gatekeeper’s House, 110
Gates, General Horatio, 34
Gatlin, General Richard C, 8
Gatlin family, 182
General Electric Co., 168
General Greene Council (Boy Scouts), 222
Georgia Pacific Corp., 170
Geran, Solomon, 36
Gholson (Goldston), Thomas, 56
Gibson, Mrs. Pickett, 90
Gibson, Sam, 227
Gibson School, 212
Giles, Reuben, 55
Giles, Mary, 116
Giles, Persis, 116
Giles, Theresa, 116
Gill, J. N., 212
Gilliland, James, 73
Gilmer, John A., 44
Gilmore family, 133
Girl Scouts, Randleman Senior, 123
Glass, Ella, 208
Glass, John E., 219
Glass, Thomas E., 100
Glass, W. G., 97
Glass, William, 219
Glass, William J., 100
Glenn, Sampson B., 64
Glenola, 121, 131
Glenola School, 211
Gluyas, William, 47
Goins, Cpl. A. J., 93
Gold Hill School, 211
Goldston Concrete Co. (Ramseur), 191
Gollihorn, Alpheus, 84
Gollihorn, William, 81
Gollihorn Rocks, 88
Gordon, Pvt. L. D., 93
Gorrell, Ralph, 44, 52
F. Goss Crossroads, 57
Grace, N. T., 98
Granges, 185
Grant, E. E., 212
Grant No. 1 School, 211
Grant Township, 88, 129, 131, 135, 137
Grantville, 121, 223
Grantville Civitan Club, 222
Grantville Lions Club, 222
Gravel Hill School, 211
Graves, D. Clyde, 168
Graves, John, 56
Graves, Mrs., 118
Gray, Alexander S., 40, 43, 55, 64, 66, 72
Gray, Dr. John A., 101
Gray, Lou, 208
Gray, Robert, 76
Gray, Capt. Robert H., 85
Gray, Samuel, 55
Gray, Vicki, 123
Gray, Capt. William, 35
Gray’s Chapel Lions Club, 222
Gray’s Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, 134
Gray’s Chapel School, 211
Gray’s Chapel Softball Team, 229
Great Alamance Creek, 31
Green, John, 76
Greene, General Nathanael, 34
Greensboro, 53, 62, 97, 106, 110, 178, 180
Greensboro Daily Mews, 156, 180, 217-218
Greensboro-Fayetteville Bus Line, 194, 199
Greensboro Historical Museum, 63
Greensboro Patriot, 121, 125
Gregson, Amos, 94-, 99
Gregson, Barney J., 158
Gregson, Dwight, 158
Gregson, Joseph, 158
Gregson Mfg. Co., 157, 158, 185
Grey, Richard, Hosiery Mill, 168
Griffin, Prances, 221
Griffin and Trogdon (Liberty), 121
Grigg, Barbara Newsom, 4
Grimes, W. A., Shuttle Block Factory, 161
Groom, Zach, 94
Guess’s Mill, 24
Guil-Band Fire Dept., 144, 146
Guilford College Library, Quaker Room, 4
Guilford County, 9, 16, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 44, 47, 52, 53, 62, 64, 72, 73, 74, 80, 93, 97, 102, 106, 107, 120
Guilford Court House, 38, 135
Gurney, J., 151
Guyer, The Rev. Jacob, 49

Haddock family, 183
Hager, Carolyn Neely, 4
Hale, A. J., 70
Hale, Mrs. A. J., 70
Hale, John H., 55, 57
Hale, Miss Margaret, 70, 71
Hall family, 182
Hall-Knott Stores, 162
Hamilton, Col., 35
Hamilton, James, 204
Hamilton, Ninian, 31
Hamlet, Anne Talvik, 4
Hamlet, Carl, 191
Hamlin, Dr. J. J., 47, 126
Hamlin, Dr. ¥. A., 47
Hammer, William C, Sr., 48-49
Hammer, William C., Jr., 66, 124, 125, 148, 178
Hammer, Minnie Hancock, 124
Hammer family, 182
Hammer Village, 194, 243
Hammond, J. Hyatt, Associates, 232
Hammond, Moses, 56, 119, 120
Hammond family, 182
Hancock, Pvt. A., 93
Hancock, Dr. John M., 85, 91, 126
Hancock, Nancy J., 91
Hancock family, 182
Hancock’s Old Fashion Country Ham, 191
Hanks Masonic Lodge, AF & AM, 45, 101
Hannah, Hattie Wright, 148
Hannah, John, 24
Hanner, Dr. John G., 55, 76, 77
Hanner, K. D., 96
Hanner, Robert H., 47
Hanner, W. M., 148
Hardee, Joseph E., Sr., 170
Harden family, 182
Hardin, C. Harrison, home, 201
Hardin’s School, 211
Hargrave, Lt. Colonel, 86
Harmons Road, 23
Harper, Jeduthan, 40, 117
Harper, Jesse, 64, 117
Harrelson Rubber Co., 170
Harrington, General H. W., 34
Harris, Sbenezar, 24
Harris, Jason C., 87
Harris-Teeter Super Market, 192
Harris, Tyree, 30
Harris’ Meeting House, 28
Haskett’s Creek, 199
Haw River, 9, 14, 26
Hawkins, John, 34
Hawkins, Joseph, 32
Hawkins, Maj., 32
Hawkins, Warren, 227
Capt. Hawkins Muster Ground, 57
Haworth, Eli, 119, 120
Haworth family, 119, 182
Hayes, John, 24
Hayes, Thomas, 113
Hayes, Zorada, 113
Hayes, John, 103
Hayworth, Dr. Claude A., 195
Hayworth, J. M., 120
Hayworth, Dr. M. M., 101
Hayworth, Stephen L., 174
Health Associations, 224
Health Department, 139-141, 236
Health Officer, 139
Heart Fund, 226
Heath Cigarette & Music Service, 192
Heath, Pvt. J. W., 93
Hedgecock Builders, Inc., 161, 184
Hedrick, Edward L., 177
Heilig, Pvt. John, 93
Helper, Hinton, 52
Henderson, Charles, 210
Henderson, Ed, 210
Henderson, J. Van, 210
Henderson, John, 210
Hendricks, T. M., 120
Hendricks, G. G., 124, 162, 173, 190
Hendricks, Thomas A., 76
Hendricks family, 182
Henley, D. V., 70
Henley, Frederick, 70
Henley (Hendley), Jesse, 40
Henley, Mica j ah, 28
Henley family, 183
Henly, John, 55
Henly, M., 118
Henly, Nixon, 55
Henly’ s Mill, 57
Henly’s Mill Bridge, 199
Hensley, Mrs., 118
Hepler family, 183
Heroes of America, 8^.
Herring, Harriet I., 105
Hickory Grove School, 211
Hicks, Joe, 159
Hicks, Pvt. John, 93
High Pine School, 211
High Point, 47, 62, 97, 106, 111, 113, 120, 131, 152
High Point, Randleman & Asheboro Railroad, 120
Hill, Aaron, 41
Hill, Arthur, 135
Hill, John C, 81
Hill, Jordon, 184
Hill, Micajah, Sen., 56
Hill, Nathan B., 70, 80
Hill, Priscilla, 204
Hill, Riley, 87
Hill, Samuel, 56, 76, 80
Hill, Samuel W., 87
Hill, Saul, 184
Hill, Pvt. Sion, 93
Hill, Walter, 204
Hillsborough, 24, 31, 33, 37, 39
Hill’s Store, 135
Hillside Shopping Center, 194, 219
Hillsville, 187
Hindenburg Line, France, 175-176
Hinds (Hines), John, 3b, 38, 39, 40
Hinds, Joseph, 39
Hinshaw, Allie B., 221 .
Hinshaw, Jesse, 42, 65, 72, 80, 121
Hinshaw, Jesse G., 55, 79, 80
Hinshaw, Mary Edith Woody, 221
Hinshaw, Roosevelt, 168, 194
Hinshaw, Seth B., 221
Hinshaw, William, Sr., 76
Hinshaw family, 182
Hinshaw Airport, 168
Hinshaw, J. M., Bridge, 199
Hinshaw home, New Salem, 123
Hinshaw Hosiery Mills f 168
Hinshaw & Pugh, New Salem, 44
Hix, Brazil K., 73
Hobson, Silas, 103
Hockett family, 138
Hodgin, Jabez, 76
Hodgin, Thomas, 55
Hoff, William, 232
Hogan, Mr., 56
Hogan Chair Co., 158
Hoggatt( Hockett), John, 119
Holden, W. W., 83, 94
Holladay, A. W. Store, 159
Holland, Dwight M., 4, 219
Holly Spring, 138
Holly Spring Friends Meeting, 26, 30, 51
Holmes, General Theo H., 89
Holshouser, James E., 232
Holt, D. W., and Co., 191
Holton, Dr. Alfred, 103
Home Building Material Co., 161, 200
Home Demonstration Agent, 139
Home Demonstration Clubs Curb Market, 188
Homes, William, 24.
Hooker, Robert, 33
Hooker family, 182
Hoover, Andrew, 17, 79
Hoover, Benjamin F., 4.6, £7, 71
Hoover, C. C., 184
Hoover, Fannie, 208
Hoover, George, 57, 58
Hoover, Jacob, 17, 4.0
Hoover, Joseph, 55
Hoover, Lewis, 208
Hoover, Minnie, 14.0
Hoover, Nancy, 4.7
Hoover, Tom, 126
Hoover, Mrs., 70
Hoover family, 182
Hoover Hill Gold Mine, 75, 107-109
Hoover Street Store, Asheboro, 191
Hopewell Methodist Episcopal Church, 117, 119
Hopewell School, 211
Hopper, Charles, 38
Hopper’s Foard, 98
Hornaday, D. M., 121
Hornaday, J. A., 14-8
Hornaday, S. M., 121
Hornaday, F. D., Abbatoir, 159
Horney, Alexander S., 56, 70, 76, 101
Horney, Philip, 76
Howard family, 182
Howell, Eednap, 30, 31, 32
Hubbard, Dr. C. C, 136
Hubbard, Mrs. Frances Porter, 126
Hubbard family, 182
Hudson-Belk Dept. Store, 162, 191
Huffman, Joseph, 118
Hughes, Verda, 221
Hughes, Dr. Isaac W., 90
Hughes family, 182
Humble, Neudie, 222
Hundley, Charles, 113
Hunt, Adam, 167
Hunt, James P., 233
Hunt, Joseph, 72
Hunt, Nathan, 92
Hunt family, 119
Hunter, Andrew, 37
Hunter, James, 24., 31, 32, 39
Hunter, Mary Walker, 32
Hunter, Neely, 227
Hunter, T. A., 152
Hunter, William, 39
Husband, Amy Allen, 31, 32
Husband, Ann Pugh, 31
Husband, Herman, 2L, 30, 31, 32
Husband’s Mill, 25
Hutson’s Muster Ground, 57

Indian John, 14
Indian Trading Path, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 32, 39, 121, 131, 133
Indiana, 73, 74, 119, 121
Indians, 14-15, 16
Industrial Park, 170, 213
Influenza Epidemic, 176-177
Ingold, Pvt. A. M., 93
Ingold, Addle, 121
Ingold, Jack, 121
Ingold, Joel, 43
Ingold Hotel, 97
Ingole (Ingold) & Co., 44
Ingram, John, 55
Ingram, Laura, 195
Ingram, Mattie, 204
Ingram, Peter, 24
Irish Quakers, 92
Iron Mountain, 88
Isaacs, Colonel Elijah, 37
Island Ford, 33, 76, 78, 101, 199
Island Ford Mfg. Co., 76, 73
Insurance Women, Assn. of, 224.

J & G Panels, 170
JRA Industries, 170
Jack & Jill Kindergarten, 214.
Jackson, Andrew, 40, 4.1
Jackson, David, 37
Jackson, Dempsey, 57
Jackson, J. J., 44, 45, 83, 91
Jackson, Mrs., 70
Jackson Creek, 121, 135
Jackson Creek Bridge, 112
Jackson Creek Telephone Exchange, 148
Jackson School, 56, 58
Jail, 139-141
Jarrell, Cassandra, 182
Jarrell, Manleff, 121
Jarrell family, 183
Jarrett, Isaac, 30
Jay, Allen, 92
Jaycettes, 224.
Jeanes Fund, 212
Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 44
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seagrove, 215
Jenkins, A. W., 98
Jennings, Alson G., 100
Jennings, James, 100
Jennings, Tom, 150
Jennings family, 182
Jester, Anne Thompson, 221
John W. Clark Public Library, 146
John Wesley’s Stand, 216
Johnson, Blanche, 113
Johnson, D. W . C., 44
Johnson, J. H., 124.
Johnson, J. W., 156
Johnson, James Randolph, 61
Johnson, Joseph, 117
Johnson, Lemuel, 118
Johnson, M. E., 14-6, 133
Johnson, Paul, 221
Johnson, Sarah Needham, 60-61
Johnson, T. A., 153
Johnson, T. A., Jr., 153
Johnson, Troy, 204
Johnson, Val, 204
Johnson, Capt. Y. McM., 35, 37, 93, 103
Johnson Lumber Co., 158
Johnson Service Station, 178
Johnson, General Joseph E., 84., 120
Johnstonville (Cross Roads), 24., 25, 34, 39-40, 43, 122, 137
Jones, Pvt. C. C, 93
Jones, Caleb, 235
Jones, Elizabeth Scotton, 212
Jones, Jerry, 219
Jones, W. W. and Sons Dept. Store, 165, 190
Jordan, Dr. Henry, 181, 134
Jordan, Thomas A., 170
Jordan Spinning Co., 184
Julian, C. S., 113
Julian, Clarence, 184.
Julian, George, 38
Julian, Howgil, 55, 57, 65, 123
Julian, Peter, 55
Julian, William R., 101
Julian family, 31
Julian, L4-, 24-, 111, 133, U9, 13L, 206, 210
Julian Railroad Station, 133
Julian School, 211
Julian Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Julians School, 211
Julien (Julian), Peter S., 70
Jung Products, Inc., 168, 170
Junior Chamber of Commerce, 233, 226
Junior Order of the United American Mechanics (J0UAM), 223

Kalb, Johann de, Baron (General), 34
Karel Company, 170
Kearns, Allen, 55
Kearns, Claude, 136
Kearns, Emery, 126
Kearns, Isaac, 55, 56, 57
Kearns, Louise C., 186
Kearns, Lyde, 204-
Kearns family, 182
Kearns Service Drugs, 190
Kearns, William, Bridge, 199
Keeauwee Old Town, 16
Keeran, Silas, 70, 71
Kellwood Co., 158
Kenney, Pvt. J. M., 93
Keyauwee Indians, 14, 16
Key, John, 26
Keystone Mfg. Co., 170
Kidd Furniture Mfg., Inc., 170
Kildee School, 211
“Killers Three”, 219
Kime, David, 76
Kimrey, Grace Saunders, 221
King, Boling, 56
King, C. Henry, 221
King, Francis T., 92
King, Rufus, 119
King, Vernon, 160
King, William, 70
Kinner Bird (airplane), 195
Kinro Industries, 158
Kinsey, Mrs., 118
Kirby, Ed, 192
Kirk, John R., 115
Kirkman Concrete Women’s Softball Team, 228
Kirnes, Isaac, 24
Kivett, Auman (Bunjer), 182
Kivett (Kivet), David, 76
Kivett, Harold, 227
Kivett (Kivet), Henry, 55, 76, 77, 78
Kivett, James, 177
Kivett, John A., 76, 77
Kivett, Vance, 177
Kivett, Capt. Warren B., 85
Kivett family, 31, 182
Kivett, Rez, Milling Co., 158
Kiwanis Park (Asheboro), 230
Klipfel, Judy, 223
Klopman Division-see Burlington Industries.
Knight, Capt. John, 36
Knight, Solomon, 4-1
Knight, Thomas, 41
Knights of Pythias, 121, 223
Korean War, 181-182
Kratex, Inc., 170
Kyle, Capt. Jesse W., 85
Kyle, 1st Lt. W. D., 85, 93

Lail, Jack, 160
Lamb, Cora, 208
Lamb, Capt. George V., 85, 93
Lamb, Isaac, 46, 47
Lamb, Miles, 121
Lamb, Mordecai, 58
Lamb, Cpl. N. E., 93
Lamb, Pvt. W. H. H., 93
Lamb family, 138
Lambert, Daniel, 97
Lambert, J. I., 151
Lambert family, 182
Lamberts School, 211
Land, James, 70
Lane, Cathy Cranford, 238
Lane, Garret, 56
Lane, John, 41
Lane (Lain), Joseph, 39
Lane, Tidance, 24, 56, 57, 73, Lane, Dr. William B., 44, 47, 50, 55, 57, 65
Lane, W. F., 103
Lassiter, Dora, 204
Lassiter, Floyd, 204
Lassiter, Micajah, 201
Lassiter, Rufus, 204
Lassiter, S. T., 204
Lassiter, E Si J, 43
Lassiter’ s Mill, 107, 136
Lassiter’s Mill Bridge, 199
Latham, John, 39
Latvia, 182
Laughlin, James, 55
Laughlin, Seth W., 222
Laughlin, T. L., 154
Laughlin, William, 52
Laughlin Full Fashioned Hosiery Mills, 154
Laurence, Enoch S., 46
Lawrence, Jesse, 47, 66
Lawrence, W. H., 97
Lawson, John, 14
Lawyer’s Row, 140
Lax, Robert, 39
Leach, Cornelia, 118
Leach, Hugh, 117, 118
Leach, Pvt. J. A., 93
Leach, James H., 118
Leach, James Madison, 44, 66, 83
Leach, John, 56, 117
Leach, Julian E., 55
Leach, Lewis M., 118
Leach, William, 117
Lederer, John, 14
Lenas Grove School, 211
Lester’s Learners, 214
Letterlough, Reuben, 122
Level Cross, 121, 138
Level Cross Methodist Protestant Church, 138
Level Cross School, 211
Level Cross Township, 131, 137
Level Cross Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Lewallen, Clarence, 220
Lewallen, William K., 191
Leward Cotton Mills, 152
Lewis, A. E., 148
Lewis, Carlyle, 208
Lewis, Dorsey, 184
Lewis, John Stanback, 152, 174
Lewis, Jonathan, 123
Liberty, 62, 111, 112, 121, 124, 142, 143, 144, 146, 157-159, 178, 184, 190, 217, 218
Liberty Academy, 157
Liberty Bonds, 176
Liberty Brick Co., 158
Liberty Broom Works, 158
Liberty Chair Co., 147, 157
Liberty Christian Church, 158
Liberty Drug Store, 190
Liberty Fire Dept., 144, 146
Liberty Fires (1888, 1895), 157
Liberty Furniture Co., 157, 184
Liberty Grove Baptist Church, 119
Liberty High School, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211
Liberty Hosiery Mill, 158
Liberty Lions Club, 222
Liberty Mercantile Co., 158
Liberty Milling Co., 158
Liberty Ministerial Assn., 215
Liberty No. 1 School, 211
Liberty Normal College, 157
Liberty Parks and Recreation Dept., 146, 230
Liberty Picker-Stick and Novelty Co., 157
Liberty Police Dept., 144
Liberty Public Library, 146
Liberty Public School, 157, 211
Liberty Railroad Station, 112
Liberty Rotary Club, 222
Liberty Ruritan Club, 222
Liberty Saw Mill, Inc., 158, 1S5
Liberty Telephone Co., 148
Liberty Town Hall, 142-143
Liberty Town Offices 4
Liberty Township, 66, 129, 131, 133
Liberty Veneer Co., 158
Liberty Water Supply, 143-144
Librarian, County, 139
Library, County, 139-141
Library, County Board, 139
Licensed Practical Nurses Assn., 224
Linda Hosiery Mills, 170
Linderman, Henry, 38
Linderman family, 31
Lindley, Aron, 72
Lindley, Walter W., 228
Lindley Athletic Field, 228
Lindley Park Elementary School (Asheboro), 212
Lineberry, B. L., 118, 119
Lineberry, Elwood, 121
Lineberry, Samuel, 55, 121
Lineberry, W. H., 84-85
Lineberry, Capt. W. S., 85
Lineberry family, 182
Lineberry, 121
Linthicum, Z. I., 120
Litle, Isaac S., 72
Litle, Jane Y., 72
Litle, Mary S., 72
Litle, Robert M., 72
Litle, Sally E., 72
Litle, Samuel, 72
Little, Green, 47
Little, Thomas, 38
“Little Davie School”, 107
Little League Baseball Teams , 227
Little River, 9, 81, 199
Little River School, 56
Livestock Assn., 188
Lockville Electric Power Plant, 147
Locust Grove School, 2ir
Locust Mountain Church, 28
Loflin, Eck, 204
Loflin Elementary School (Asheboro), 212
Loflin family, 183
Lohr, Charlie, 195
Lohr, Johnny, 195
London Quakers, 92
Long, James, 44
Long, John, 157
Long, John, Jr., 57, 64, 66
Long, Mary Alves, 92
Long, William J., 44, 55, 66
Long Branch of Back Creek, 143
Long’s Mill, U,, 66
Loudermilk, Stephen, 56
Loudermilk, William, 56
Loughlin family, 183
Love, Stuart, 170
Lovett, Clarence J., 176, 177
Lowdermilk, J. J., 149
Lowdermilk, Swanie, 208
Lowe, Agnes, 208
Lowe, Carrie, 208
Lowe, D., 120
Lowe, George, 208
Lowe, J., 120
Lowe, John, 39
Lowe, Lena, 208
Lowe, Worth, 186
Lowe, (Low) family, 31, 182
Lowe’s Building Supplies, 191
Lowe’s Grocery Stores, 191
Lucas, Bethel, 175
Lucas, Delbert, 175
Lucas, Lena, 105
Lucas, W. Clyde, U3, 170
Lucas, Marian, Bridge, 199
Luck, C. T., 221
Luck, Ivey, 160
Luck family, 137
Luck’s Beans, 160
Luck’s Inc., 160, l6l
Lueker, Andrew, 4
Lum, Amelia, 70
Lu-Ran Classic Furniture, 170
Luther, Willis, 103, 150
Lutrell, Col. John, 35
Lutterloh, Lewis, 57
Lutterloh family, 183
Lyceum Series, 218
Lyndon, Carl, 204
Lyndon, Walter, 204
Lytle, Jesse, 47

McAlister, Alexander C, 84, 85, 98, 100, 126, 139, 173, 192
McAlister, C. C, 148, 161
McAlister, James S., 95, 98
McAlister and Morris Store, 126, 161
McArthur, J. F., 159
McCain, Mrs. Eugenia, 126
McCain, Fred, 201
McCain, Hugh, 43, 46, 47, 50, 58, 76, 77, 78, 199
McCain, Mrs. Hugh, 50
McCain, James, 50
McCanless, Dr. A. L., 118
McCaulley (McCulley, John?), 71
McCay, Spruce, 40
McColloch, George, 40
McCollum, Frank, 121
McCombs, Curt, 229
Macon, Pvt. Gideon, 93
Macon, Mettie (Mrs. Walter Lowe), 201
Macon, Thomas. 56, 73
Macon, William, 73
McCown-Smith Co., 162, 191
McCoy, Effa Reed, 212
McCrary, Charles W., 161, 212, 223
McCrary, D. B., 143, 161, 174
McCrary, J. Frank, 161
McCrary Eagles, 227, 228
McCrary Elementary School (Asheboro), 212
McCrary Hosiery Mills, 161
McCrary Recreation Center, 228-229
McCrary-Redding Building, 148
McCulloch, Henry Eustace 74
Macy, Uriah, 121
McDaniel, R. H., 191
McDaniel, Samuel, 55
McDowell, Ira, 227
McDowell Live Stock Co., 149
McGee, Col. John, 27, 35, 55
McGee, John, Jr., 27
McGee, William, 27
McGee’s Ordinary, 24, 25, 35, 133
McGill, Clarence, 195
McGill, Tracy E., 195
McGill’s Taxi and Bus Co., 199
McGill’s Textile Workers’ Bus Line, 195
McGinn, Jeanette, 243
McGlohon, John 182
Mclntyre, Robert Tate, 87
McKimmon, Mrs. Jane, 139, 184
McLane, Capt. Robert, 35
McLauchlin, Joseph, 103
McLaurin, Pvt. A. L., 93
McLean, Joel, 62
McLean, Robert, 40
McMaster, David, 36
McMasters, Betty, 208
McMasters, Elisha, 57
McMasters, Emma C, 101
McMasters, Lewis, 70, 71
McMasters, Mary, 70
McMasters, Simeon, 57
McMasters, William, 55
McMasters, Bruce, Furniture Co., 159
M’Masters, William, Chapel (1790), 26
McNeill, George, 47, 66
McNeill, Margaretta (Mrs. George), 50
Makepeace, George H., 76, 100, 102
M & D Hosiery Co., 170
Maner, Billy, 150
Maner. Mack. 150
Mann Drug Stores, 190
Manor House Fashions, 158
Manufacturing Company of the County of Randolph, 76
Manumission Society, 72, 120
Maple Spring School, 211
Marion, Col. Francis, 34
Marietta Lodge, No. 444, AF & AM, 103
Marlborough Friends Meeting, 27, 72
Marlboro School, 211
Marley, Mary, 213
Marley, Thomas, 56
Marley, Vaughn C., 151
Marley, W. E., 151
Marley, W. H., 151
Marley family, 183
Marley, A. C, Chair Co., 159
Marley Ts School, 211
Mar-Mac Hosiery Mills, 170
Marmon, Benjamin, 121
Marsh, Alfred H., 45, 46, 58, 76, 126
Marsh, Mrs. Alfred H. (Sarah), 70
Marsh, J. C, 103
Marsh, N. F., 190
Marsh, Ruby Kenan, 221
Marsh, William P., 79
Marsh, Elliott & Co., 43
Marshall, Daniel, 26
Martha, 121
Martin, Alan R., 148
Martin, Alexander, 34
Martin, J. A., 150
Martin, James, 24
Martin, Josiah, 33
Mary Antoinette Mills, 96, 152, 154
Mast Meeting House, 28
Matear, Robert, 33
Matthews, Walter F., 190
Maud, 118, 121
Mead, William Ernest, 107
Means, J. R., 118
Mebane, Giles, 83
Mechanic, 121
Medical Society, 224
Medicine Shoppe, 190
Melanchthon Lutheran Church, 50, 51
Melanchton School, 211
Melancton, 121
Melton, J. B., 103
Memorial Hospital, 107, 110
Memorial Park, 230
Mendenhall, Elisha, 39, 45
Mendenhall, George C., 44, 52
Mendenhall, J. Ed, 177, 222
Mendenhall, Jeremiah, 56
Mendenhall, Minerva, 76
Mendenhall, William P., 44
Mendenhall family, 119
Mental Health Assn., 226
Mental Health Center, 140-141
Mercer, Forrester, 33
Merrell, Benjamin, 33
Merrell, Daniel, 36
Merrell, William, 39
Messer, Capt., 33
Mexican Border Campaign, 175, 177
Michfield, 121, 200
Middleton Academy, 56, 101
Mid-State Coin Club, 224
Mid-State Farms, 159
Mid-State Paper Box Co., 168
Mid-State Plastics, 160
Mileposts, 63
Milks, L. E., 170
Mill Creek, 199
Mill Creek Bridge, 112
Millboro, 62, 96, 111, 112, 113, 203, 217-213
Millboro School, 211
Miller, B. F., 118
Miller, Blanche, 148, 204
Miller, George R., 120
Miller, Grady, 150
Miller, Hamon, 39, 60
Miller, Ivey, 208
Miller, John, 55, 76, 77, 78
Miller, Mittie, 208
Miller, Riley, 120
Miller, Misses F. & R. & M. , 118
Miller’s Mill, 132
Millers School, 211
Millikan, J. M., 124
Millikan, J. T., 97
Millikan, Samuel, 40
Millikan, William, 37, 39, 117, 122
Millikan family, 182
Millikan’ s Country Sausage, 191
Millis, J. H., 99
Mills, L. Barron, Jr., 4, 221
Millsaps, Ewing S., 185
“Miss Randolph Pageant”, 223, 226
Mister Jeans, Inc., 154
Mitchell, John, 135
Moffit, Adam, 24
Moffitt, Benjamin, 47, 101, 126
Moffitt, Charles, 56
Moffitt, David, 56
Moffitt, E. A., 97, 125, 161, 174
Moffitt, Eli N., 101
Moffitt, Elijah, H8
Moffitt, Elvira (Worth), (Jackson), (Walker), 91
Moffitt, Floyd, 202
Moffitt, John T., 148
Moffitt, Joseph T., 135, 221
Moffitt, Sgt. M. H., 95
Moffitt, R. S., 56
Moffitt, Samuel, 66
Moffitt, Thos. C, 50, 73
Moffitt, William B., 47
Moffitt family, 31, 183
Moffitt, E. A., Store, 162
Moffitt’ s Mills Bridge, 112, 199
Mohasco Industries, 157
Montgomery, James Patterson, 157
Montgomery County, 52, 72, 73, 82, 93, 121
Moonlight Schools, 205
Moore, H. B., 148
Moore, John, Sr., 39
Moore, Joseph, 92
Moore, King, 191
Moore, Richard E., 170
Moore, Thomas M., 47
Moore, Dr. W. J., 202
Moore, Mrs. W. J. (Mattie Porter), HO
Moore, W. J., 159
Moore, Col. William, 126
Moore, William, 40, 41
Moore, B. C. and Sons, 191
Moore County, 33, 37, 45, 47, 72, 82, 135, 180
Moore, Gardner and Associates, 170, 243
Moose, Loyal Order of the, 223
Moragne, W. F., 125
Moravians, 9, 16, 23
Morehead, James T., 44
Morgan, Charles, 118
Morgan, Fannie, 204
Morgan, Henry, 36
Morgan, J. P., Jr., 133
Morgan, James, 36
Morgan family, 182
Moring, W. H., Jr., 126, 174,183
Moring, William H., Sr., 47, 126
Moring family, 183
Moring, W. H., and Co., 161
Morris, E. G., 149
Morris, E. H., 148
Morris, P. H., 126, 148, 162
Morris Drug Co., 161
Morton, Nathaniel, 74
Moseley, Edward, 16
Moser, I. C., 178
Moser, Wescott, 232
Moss, John Bushrod, 40
Mount Lebanon Methodist Protestant Church, 97
Mount Olivet Academy, 114
Mount Olivet Masonic Lodge, #195, 45
Mount Olivet School, 211
Mount Pleasant School, 211
Mount Shepherd Pottery Site, 131
Mount Tabor Primitive Baptist Church, 50
Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church, 119
Mountain School, 211
Mountain View Canning Co., 160
Mountain View School, 211
Moving Picture Theatre (Asheboro), 231
Muddy Creek, 25, 35, 121, 131
Multiple Sclerosis Society, 226
Murdoch, William F., 46, 47
Musical Arts Club, 218
Myrick, Emsley P., 94
Myrick, Joseph A., 94, 96
Myrtle Grove Sound, 88
Nance, Carl, 204
Nance, Hilliard, 228
Nance, Kate, 204
Nantucket Hosiery Corp. 170
Naomi Falls, 199, 232
Naomi Falls Manufacturing Co., 94-95, 97, 152, 154, 156, 184
Naomi Falls Methodist Episcopal Church, 97
Nash, Abner, 34
Nash, William, 40
National Carbon Co rp., 168
National Chair Co., 162, 227
National Guard, 177
Seal, Treva, 148
Neece, Estelle, 184
Needham, James, 55
Needham, Jesse, 22
Needham, John, 14
Needham, John, 39
Needlework Guild, 224.
Neely, Mary Spencer, 197
Neighbors Grove Wesleyan Church, 235
New Centre School, 211
New Hope Friends, Society of (Conservative), 215
New Hope Academy, 121
New Hope School, 211
New Hope Township, 129, 131, 133
New Market, 24, 25,62, 84, 91, 122, 218
New Market Civitan Club, 222
New Market Inn, 122
New Market No. 1 School, 211
New Market No. 2 School, 211
New Market Township, 129, 131
New Salem, 42, 43, 44, 45, 57, 65, 72, 121-123, 131, 138
New Salem Bridge, 199
New Salem Friends Meeting, 50, 121
New Salem Methodist Protestant Church, 121
New Salem Masonic Lodge, 45, 121
New Salem School, 211
New Salem Township, 129, 131
Newlin, Joseph, 55, 76, 84, 122
Newlin, J. N., 97
Newlin, N. N., 91, 97
Newlin, S. G., 95, 96, 97, 147
Newlin & Far low, 43
Nixon, Dr. Barnabas, 47, 65
Nixon, Zachariah, 56, 57
Nocturne Music Club, 218
Norfolk Southern Railway, 111
Normal College, 116, 117
North Asheboro, 138
North Asheboro Junior High School, 212
North Asheboro Park, 230, 238
North Carolina Arts Council, 4, 220
North Carolina Bulletin, 42
North Carolina Educational Journal, 124
North Carolina Forest Service, 140
North Carolina Home Journal, 115, 124
North Carolina Prohibitionist, 124
North Carolina Railroad, 111
North Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical College, 111
North Carolina State Library, 4
North Carolina Symphony, 218
North Carolina Zoological Park and Botanical Gardens, 137, 232-233
North Randolph Historical Society Museum, 95
North State Nursery, 13-4
North State Telephone Co., 148-149
Northgate Shopping Center, 194
Norton, J. B., 223
Norton, William, 24
Novelty Wood Works, 150

Oak Glade School, 211
Oak Grove Methodist Episcopal Church, 86
Oak Grove School, 21 1
Oakland Farm, 186
Oakley, Annie, 155
Odell, J. A., 100
Odell, Capt. John M., 85, 100
Odell, Laban D., 70, 85
Ogdon, Hatfield, 46, 47
Old Hickory Division, 175
Old Union Methodist Episcopal Church, 28, 52, 97, 216
Oliver’s Chapel, 216
Orange County, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39
Osborne, Allen U., 70
Osborne, Daisy, 105
Osborne, Obed, 124
Osbornes Mill Bridge, 199
Overman, J. 0., 121
Overman Chair Co., 158
Overton, Nathan, 56
Owen, Richardson, 38, 39, 66
Owen, Thomas, 38
Owens family, 137

P. & P. Chair Co., 167, 184
Page, A. F., Sr., 217
Page, Wade S., 162
Page, W. Carl, 162
Page, William C., Jr., 162
Page family, 111, 183. 199
Page’s Toll House, 62, 84
Painted Springs, 15, 131
Panther Creek, 167
Panther Creek Friends Meeting, 50
Parents Without Partners, 224
Parke, Samuel, 39
Parker, Pvt. A. J., 93
Parker, Benson, 118, 119
Parker, Dr. D. Reid, 118
Parker, Thomas W., 73
Parker, W. T., 120
Parker Mill, 23
Parker Mill Bridge, 136
Parks, Clarence,- 150
Parks, Hugh, Jr., 150, 186
Parks, Hugh, Sr., 78, 101, 151
Parks, Hugh T., 150
Parks, Jody, 151
Parks, Joe, 184
Parks, Ralph, 184
Parks, W. H., 100
Parks Cross Roads, 121
Parks Cross Roads Christian Church, 50
Parks Cross Roads School, 211
Parson, J. W., 97
Patterson, Dr. Armstead Jack, 158
Patterson, Gurney A., 167
Patterson, John, 55
Patterson, John, 56
Patterson, Marthya, 74
Patterson, Dr. R. D., Jr., 158
Patterson, Dr. Rez D., 158
Patterson Cottage Museum, 158
Patterson’s School, 211
Payne, D., 113
Paynes Mill Bridge, 199
Pearce, Ansel, 55
Pearce, Thomas, 55
Pearce School, 211
Pearces Mill Bridge, 199
Pegram, W. H., 94, 118
Peirce, Windsor, 39
Pepper, C. M., 118
Pepper Mill, 219
Petty, D. M., 119
Petty Kyle, 230
Petty, Lee, 229-230
Petty, Maurice, 230
Petty, Richard, 229-230, 240
Petty, W. C, 119, 120
Petty family, 138
Petty, W. C, Sash and Blind Co., 120
Phillips, Benjamin, 24
Phillips, Dr. E., 81
Phillips Brothers Country Ham, 191
Phil Knit, 158
Phillips, Matilda, 4
Phillips, Sam, 221
Fiillips School, 211
Pickard, J. 0., 94, 95, 99
Pickett, John, 157
Pickett, John F., 148
Pickett’s Store, Liberty, 148
Piedmont Chair Co, 16*
Piedmont Natural Gas Co., 192
Pike, Pvt. W. M., 93
Pine Hill School. 211
Piney Grove School (Concord), 135, 211
Piney Grove School (New Market), 211
Piney Ridge Friends Meeting, 50
Pinehurst Texiles, 168
Pinson, 121
Pisgah, 121, 135
Pisgah Bridge, 111, 113
Pisgah Methodist Episcopal Church, 235
Pisgah School, 211
Pisgah Telephone Exchange, 148
Plaidville Mills, 95, 96, 152, 154
Plainfield School, 184
Plant, John, Co., 151, 242
Pleasant Cross Christian Church, 101
Pleasant Grove Christian Church, 50
Pleasant Grove School, 211
Pleasant Grove Township, 129, 131, 135
Pleasant Hill Methodist Protestant Church, 175
Pleasant Hill School, 211
Pleasant Ridge Christian Church, 50
Plummer, W. A., 120
Plunket, William, 39
“Pocahontas”, 97
Poe, Dr. Clarence, 205
Pole Cat Creek, 25, 32, 36, 131, 138, 143, 147, 199
Political Broadaxe, 124
Polk, Jacob, 24
Polk, James, 56, 57
Polk, Jonathan, 26
Polk, L. L., 111
Pool, James, 57
Poor House, 65-66, 79
Pope, John, 43
Poplar Ridge School, 211
Porter, David Worth, 47, 50, 126
Porter family, 183
Potter, A. D., 168
Potter, A. J., 168
Potter Manufacturing Co., 168
Powell, William S., 30
Powhatan Mills, 95, 97
Presnall, John, 56
Presnell, Arthur, 162
Presnell, Barbara, 221
Presnell, Clay, 160
Presnell, Donnie, 41
Presnell, John, 46, 47
Presnell, Joseph K. (Teak), 194
Presnell family, 183
Pressnell Buggy and Carriage Repair Shop, 161
Prevo Drug, 190
Prevost family, 182
Pritchard, Benoni, 199
Pritchard, Dr. J. E., 221
Pritchard, Thomas, 70
Pritchard family, 183
Progress, 118, 131
Progressive Farmer, 111, 205, 221
Prohibition Leader. 124
Prohibition Party, 120
Promised Land Church, 107
Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, 117, 119
Prospect School, 211
Providence Academy, 157
Providence Friends Meeting, 26, 51
Providence No. 1 School, 211
Providence School, 56, 184, 211
Providence Township, 131, 133, 134
Public Works Administration, 178
Pugh, Dee and Joe, home, 203
Pugh, Henry G., 194
Pugh, J. M., 97
Pugh, James, 31, 33
Pugh, Jenny, 157
Pugh, Jesse, 24
Pugh, Richard K., 4
Pugh, Thomas, 24
Pugh family, 183
Pugh Funeral Home, 171
Pumphrey, Stanley, 93
Purgatory Mountain, 137, 232

Quality Veneer Co., 153

Raccoon Pond, 57
R. & R. Transit Co., 195, 200
Ragan, H. S., Sr., 119
Ragan, W. H., 95, 99
Rains, Capt. George, 38
Rains, Major John, 38
Rainse, John, 73
Rains, William, 56
Rampon Products, Inc., 1 70
Ramseur, 50, 62, 76, 77, 102-105, 105-106, 107, 111, 112, 142, 143, 144, 148, 150-151, 153-154, 159, 178, 180, 135, 190, 202, 205, 207, 218, 219, 227, 230, 232
Ramseur Academy, 157, 207
Ramseur Baptist Church, 50, 103, 106
Ramseur Baseball Team, 227
Ramseur Broom Co., 103, 150
Ramseur Building Cupply, 191
Ramseur Christian Church, 103
Ramseur Concert Band, 104, 105, 151, 205
Ramseur Fire Dept., 144
Ramseur Furniture Co., 150
Ramseur Hosiery Mills, 150, 161
Ramseur Inter-Lock Knitting Co., 151, 153
Ramseur Lions Club, 222
Ramseur Methodist Episcopal Church, 103
Ramseur Ministerial Assn., 215
Ramseur hotor Co., 142
Ramseur Parks and Recreation Dept., 146, 230
Ramseur Pharmacy, 190
Ramseur Police Dept., 144
Ramseur Post Office (restored) , 102
Ramseur Public Library, 146, 151
Ramseur Roller Mill, 150
Ramseur School, 103, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211
Ramseur, Major General Stephen D., 103
Ramseur Store Co., 103
Ramseur Town Hall, 142-143
Ramseur Town Offices, 4
Ramseur Water Supply, 144
Ramseur Worsted Mills, 151
Ramsey, J. M., Jr., 170
Rams our, John, 66
Ramsower, Michael, 53
Randleman, 14, 40, 52, 62, 76, 78, 79, 80, 94-97, 98, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 138, 142, 143, 147, 149, 152-156, 177-178, 190, 207, 208, 217, 218, 220, 226
Randleman, C. C, 95
Randleman, J. E., 95
Randleman, John B., 95
Randleman Baptist Church, 97
Randleman Bridge, 112, 199
Randleman City Hall, 142-143
Randleman City Offices, 4
Randleman Drug Co., 1 90
Randleman Elementary School (Negro), 209
Randleman Fire Dept., 144, 146
Randleman High School, 208-210, 229
Randleman Hosiery Mill, 147
Randleman Chair Co., 96
Randleman Church of God, 214
Randleman Depot, 154
Randleman Lions Club, 142, 222
Randleman Manufacturing Co., 95, 101, 106, 142, 143, 152, 156
Randleman Mills, 154
Randleman Ministerial Assn., 215
Randleman No. 1 School, 211
Randleman Parks and Recreation Dept., 146, 230
Randleman Police Dept., 144
Randleman Public Housing, 155
Randleman Public Library, 146, 147
Randleman Rotary Club, 222
Randleman School, 206-207, 211
Randleman Store Co., 97
Randleman Telephone Co., 147, 149
Randleman Township, 129, 137, 138
Randleman Water Supply, 143
Randleman Woman’s Club, 222
Randolph Agricultural Society, 70-71
Randolph Apparel, 170
Randolph Argus. 124, 125
Randolph Bank and Trust Co., 193
Randolph Baptist Assn., 215
Randolph Bible Society, 54
Randolph Book Club, 222
Randolph Chair Co., 162
Randolph County Arts Guild, 4, 219
Randolph County Fair, 182, 188
Randolph County Historical Society, 4, 58, 83, 224, 225
Randolph County Offices, 4
Randolph County, Indiana, 73-74
Randolph County Rose Society, 223
Randolph County Symphony Society, 218
Randolph Court House, (Asheborough) , 40
Randolph Court House (Cross Roads), 35, 36, 39, 40
Randolph Drug Co. (Asheboro), 190
Randolph Drug Co. (Randleman), 190
Randolph Farm Equipment, 191
Randolph Guide, 4
Randolph Herald. 42, 43, 124
Randolph High School (Liberty), 209
“Randolph Hornets”, 83, 85, 93
Randolph Hospital, 162, 226
Randolph Manufacturing Co., 43, 76-78, 79, 101
Randolph Hills, 150, 184
Randolph Motor Co., 145
Randolph Packing Co., 191
Randolph, Peyton, 38
Randolph Power Co., 147
Randolph Public Library, 4, 146, 162
Randolph Public Library, Friends of, 224
Randolph Regulator, 124
Randolph Savings and Loan Assn., 193
Randolph Technical College, 209, 213, 219, 220
Randolph Technical College, Photography Dept., 4
Randolph Telephone Co., 148
Randolph Telephone Membership Corp., 148-149
Randolph Training School, 212, 219
Randolph Tribune, 124, 164
Randolph Underwear Co., 1 54
Rankin, Sam A., 151
Rantex Mills, 154
Rape, R., 70
Rave Fashions, 170
Raven, Minna, 47, 221
Rea, Eliza, 58
Realtors, Board of, 224
Reaves Pharmacy, 190
Red Cross, 84, 86, 121
Red Cross School, 211
Red Cross, American, 176, 180, 224
Redberry School, 211
Reddick (Ruddock), John, 119
Reddick, John, Jr., 117
Reddick, Joseph, 117
Reddick, William, 118
Redding, Dr. A. H., 100
Redding, Jesse, 65
Redding, John F., 168
Redding, Jonathan, 55, 57
Redding, Mattie, 100
Redding, Robert, 66
Redding, T. H., 161
Redding, T. Henry, Jr., 161
Redding, T. J., Bridge, 199
Redding, Thomas, 43
Redding, W. F., 162
Redding, W. W., 96
Redding family, 162, 182
Red Strings, 84
Reece, Abraham, 39
Reece, Joseph, 56
Reese, Robert L., 161
Register (Liberty), 124
Register of Deeds, 141
Reid, Jennie, 204
Reitzel, Boyd, 184
Reitzel, M. J., 143
Reitzel, Walter, 184
Republican Rally (1904), 171
Revco Discount Drug Center, 190
Rice, Thomas, 76
Rich, Anthony, 166
Rich, Pvt. Daniel, 93
Rich, Henry Clay, 166
Rich, 0. Elmer, 166
Rich, Otis, 194
Rich family, 183
Rich Brick Yard, 166
Rich, Dal K., and Son, 167, 184
Richardson, Sgt. Allen, 93
Richardson, H. Clendon, 226
Richardson, Isaac, 41
Richardson, John, 41
Richardson, Samuel, 41
Richardson, S. R., 149
Richland Creek, 25, 32, 199
Richland Lutheran Church, 27, 28, 50, 51
Richland Township, 129, 131, 135
Ridge, Leslie, 184
Rigdon, Stephen, 39, 40
Rink, Reuben, 95
Riverside Mills, 152
Robbins, Ahi, 55, 70
Robbins, Jeffrey H., 90, 113
Robbins, Jesse, 65
Robbins, Joel, 65
Robbins, John, 55, 57, 124
Robbins, William, 117
Robbins, William McK., 66
Robbins family, 182
Robert, J., and Co., 120
Robertson, J. H., 204
“Robin Bird”, 150
Robins, Henry M., 142
Robins, Marmaduke Swaim, 44, 45, 84, 85, 87, 89, 124, 125, 126
Robins, Dr. Sidney Swaim, 126, 221
Rock Spring School, 211
Rock Store (Central Falls), 191
Rockingham County, 40, 52, 94
Rocky Mount School, 211
Rocky River, 9, 26, 159
Rogers family, 182
“Rose Bird”, 150
Rosenwald Fund, 212
Rose’s Stores, 190, 192
Ross, Arthur, 143, 161
Ross, Arthur, Jr., 195
Ross, Charles, 148
Ross, Esther, 161
Ross, George, 177
Ross, J. D., 125, 161
Ross, Joseph D., Jr., 195
Ross, L. Ferree, 161
Ross, R. R., 95, 110
Ross family, 182
Ross and Rush Livery Stables, 125, 126, 161
Routh, Isaac, 101
Routh, Malcolm, 207
Routh family, 182
Rowan County, 24, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 52, 64, 78
Rowan Public Library, 4
Royal, H., 91
Royer, Samuel, 157
Rummage Sale, 194
Rural Electric Membership Corp., 147
Rush, Crawford, 38
Rush, Michael, 79
Rush, Capt. Noah, 85
Rush, Wiley, 124, 125
Rush, Zebedee, 55-57, 66, 84, 116
Rush family, 182
Rush, J. H., & Co., 71
Russel’s Schoolhouse, 26
Russell, Jerome B., 101
Russell, Capt. Lee, 85

St. John’s Christian Church, (Randleman), 97
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 215
St. Luke’s Parish (Rowan County), 29
St. Mary’s Methodist Church, 119
St. Matthew’s Parish (Orange County), 29
St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church, 95, 97
Salem – Cross Creek Road, 133
Salem – Fayetteville Road, 131
Salem Friends Meeting, 27
Salem Neckwear, 154
Salem School, 211
Salisbury, 24, 37, 61, 62, 84, 85
Salt Box, 219, 226
Sandy Creek, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 44, 54, 56, 76, 144, 157, 199
Sandy Creek Baptist Church, 26, 27, 50, 54
San Quentin Canal, 175
Sapona Manufacturing Co., 101, 150, 161
Sapp, Dr. L. L., 97
Sapp, Oscar L., 126
Saunders, Sallie, 70
Saura Indians, 14
Savage, John, 157
Schaefer, E. 0., 168
Schneierson, I., and Sens, Ind., 154
Schwarz, Jeff, 151
Schwarz, Lawrence G., 168
Science Hill Academy, 5o
Scott, Cpl. Allen, 93
Scott, C. L., 191
Scott, Robert W., 232
Scott, W. Kerr, 209
Scotton, James, 57
Scott’s Old Field, 81
Seagrove, 9, 137, 138, 143, 147, 159-161
Seagrove Depot, 159
Seagrove Grange, 146
Seagrove Lions Club, 222
Seagrove Lumber Co., 160, 161, 185
Seagrove Police Dept., 144-
Seagrove Pottery Museum, 138, 160
Seagrove Public Library, 146
Seagrove School, 206, 209
Seagrove Volunteer Fire Dept., 144-146
Seagroves, Edwin G., 160
Seal (Randolph County), front cover and inside cover
Searsey, William, 39, 135
Selective Service (Draft), 132
Sellers, B. A., 124
Senior Adults Assn., 219, 224
Sew Special, 170
Shady Grove Baptist Church, 50
Shady Grove Methodist Church, 101
Shady Grove School, 211
Shamburger family, 182
Shapiro and Shapiro, 170
Sharp, Edward, 39
Shaw, Alice Voncannon (Mrs. J. E.), 152
Shaw, E. R., 167
Shaw, Malcom, 118
Shaw, M. and Co., 113
Shaw Furniture Co., 1 54
Shell, Mrs. Lennon, 118
Shepherd, Joseph, 66
Shepherd Mountain, 9, 15, 35, 131
Shepherd School, 211
Sheppard, Col. Jacob, 36, 38, 39
Sheriff’s Dept., 141, 144
Shields, Charlie, 184
Shiflet, Claude family, 231
Shiloh Academy, 114, 115
Shiloh Christian Church, 50
Shiloh School, 211
“Shoofly”, 133, 159
Siler, Capt. Columbus F., 85, 93
Siler, C. K., 227
Siler City, 158, 159, 186
Sir Robert Motel, 243
Sisne, Stephen, 38
Skeen, Allen, 56
Skeen family, 182
Skeen’s Mill Bridge, 112, 113, 199
Slack, Nathan H., 126
Slack, T. H., 159
Slack family, 182
Sloat, Pvt. L. D., 93
Small, J. B., Hosiery and Textile, Inc., 170
Smart Styles, Inc., 168
Smith, Albert, 91
Smith, Alexander, 117
Smith, Briant, 38
Smith, Bryant, 35
Smith, C. C, 160
Smith, C. P., 121
Smith, C. P., Jr., 148
Smith, Clarence, 227
Smith, David, 38
Smith, Frances Patterson, 221
Smith, Joseph, 66
Smith, L. H., 148
Smith, Dr. M. B., 102
Smith, Paul H., Park, 230
Smith, R., 122
Smith, Ray, 167
Smith, W. M., 81
Smith, William Vance, 195
Smith Garage, 158
Capt. Smith’s Muster Ground, 57
Smitherman, H. R., 103
Smitherman, Noah, 56
Snow of 1927, 189
Social Services, Dept. of, 139-141
Soong, Charles J., 117
Sophia, 113, 122, 131
Sophia School, 132, 211
Sorosis Club, 218
South Atlantic Lumber Co., 160
South Carolina, 9, 14, 24, 33, 34, 36, 37, 103, 119, 131, 137
Southeast Public Service Co., 148
Southern Bell Telephone Co., 148, 149
Southern Citizen, 42, 44-47, 56-58, 60, 62, 64, 75, 77-80
Southern, James M., 191
Southern Crown Milling Co., 162, 166
Southern Milling Co., 162
Southern Railway, 199, 217
Southwestern Senior High School, 135, 208-210, 229
Spangenberg, Bishop August Gottlieb, 9
Spearman, Elizabeth, 50
Spencer, Alfred, 160
Spencer, Doris, 152
Spencer, Helen York, 194
Spencer, Isaac, 72, 73
Spencer, J. C., 195
Spencer, J. S., 103
Spencer, L. A., 96
Spencer, Nathan F., 16
Spencer family, 182
Spero School, 211
Spinks, Enoch, 34
Spinks, Garret, 56
Spinks, Jesse, 184
Spinks Mill, 137, 138
Spoon, Eli, 56
Spoon family, 182
Spoon’s Mill Bridge, 199
Springer, John, Jr., 24
Springfield Friends Meeting, 54, 92, 107, 116, 117, 119, 120
Springfield Museum, 17, 107
Stafford, John, 62
Staley, 111, 133, 134, 143, 154, 158-160
Staley, Col. John W., 158-160
Staley Baptist Church, 159
Staley Christian Church, 159
Staley Cotton Mill, 159
Staley Fire Dept., 144, 146
Staley Fires, 159
Staley Hosiery Mill, 159
Staley Lions Club, 222
Staley Lumber Co., 158
Staley School, 159, 160, 209, 211
Staley Wesleyan Church, 160
Stalker, Aaron, 55
Stalker, Jonathan, 55
Stalker’s School, 56
Standard Drug Co., 190
Stanton, Nathan, 65
Stanton family, 138
State Game Farm, 230
State Highway Commission, 127
Stearns, Ebenezer, 26
Stearns, Peter, 26
Stearns, Shubal, 26
Stearns, Shubal, Jr., 26
Stedman, Sally, 224
Stedman, Sulon B., 167
Stedman, W. D., 167
Stedman, W. David, 167, 232
Stedman, W. D., & Son Store, 162, 190
Stedman Manufacturing Co., 167, 168, 184
Steed, A. A., 96
Steed, B. F., 47, 70, 91, 118
Steed, B. W., 124
Steed, Charles, 65
Steed, Clayton, 56
Steed, Colon, 66
Steed, E. J., 151
Steed, J. W., 84
Steed, Joseph W., 47
Steed, Nathaniel, 37
Steed, J. Nat., 109
Stevens, Gen. Edward, 34
Stevens, J. P., Co., 154, 184
Stewart, James, 33
Stewart, John, 72
Stinking Quarter. 157
Stinson, Enos, 26
Stinson Place Bridge, 199
Stone, Lee J., 228-229
Stoneman ‘ s Raiders, 84
Story, P. C, 95, 154
Story, Stuart, 154
Stout, Colita, 122
Stout, E. N., 125
Stout, Joseph, 56
Stout, W. C., 103
Stout Chair Co., 158
Stout’s Chapel Methodist Church, 122
Stowe, Carrie, 204
Stowe, Nannie, 204
Strange, Robert, 72-73,
Strieby, Dr., 107
Strieby, 107
Stuart Furniture Industries, 170
Stutzman, Jacob, 27
Sugg, N. C, 56
Sugg family, 137
Sumner, J., 118
Sumner, David S., 151
Sumner Hosiery, 170
Sunset Theater, 231
Swaim, Benjamin, 42, 56, 57, 121
Swaim, Daniel, 55, 57
Swaim, Francine Holt, 210, 221
Swaim, J. S., 124
Swaim, Joseph, 55
Swaim, Joshua, 65
Swaim, Moses, 121
Swaim family, 138, 182
Swearingin, John, 40
Swickett Hosiery Mills, 170

Tabernacle Elementary School, 209
Tabernacle Lions Club, 222
Tabernacle No. 1 School, 211
Tabernacle School, 211
Tabernacle Township, 81, 129, 131, 132
Tabernacle Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Talley, Maria, 240
Talley, W. F., 155
Tar Heel Triad Girl Scout Council, 222
Tate, Dr. C. S., 103
Tatum (Tatom), Absalom (Abraham), 38, 39, 40
Tax Dept., County, 141, 239
Taylor, Emma M., 101
Taylor, Gary, 227
Taylor, H. C, 118
Taylor, John Lewis, 40
Taylors Creek Bridge, 199
Teachey Elementary School, 212
Teague, Capt. Meredith M., 85
league family, 137
Teague Lumber Co., 191
Temperance Advocate and Youth’s Instructor, 43
Tennessee Walking Horses, 188, 229
TexFi Industries, Inc., 158, 170
Thayer, Cleveland, 223
Thayer, Helen Harper, 221
Thomas, A. H., 103
Thomas, Fred A., 102, 150
Thomas, Pvt. J. M., 93
Thomas Brothers Country Ham, 191
Thompson, D. B., 204
Thompson, Pvt. E., 93
Thompson, Emily, 70
Thompson, G. W., 118
Thompson, Harris, 204
Thompson, Holland, 77-78, 104-105
Thompson, J. E., 222
Thompson, Pvt. R. R., 93
Thompson and Bowman, 121
Thomson, Joseph, 39
Thornborough, Heziah, 58
Thornbrough, Jesse, 55
Thornburg, Lillian H., 225
Thornburg, Capt. William L., 85
Three Forks School, 211
Tie-Rite Neckwear Co., 167
Tip-Top Hosiery Co., 170
Tip-Top Lodge, 135
Tippett, W., 100
Tomato Clubs, 139, 184
Tomlinson, Allen Jay, 120
Tomlinson, Allen Unthank, 54, 55, 82, 92, 119, 120
Tomlinson, Herbert, 120
Tomlinson, Dr. J. M., 120, 203
Tomlinson, Josiah, 119
Tomlinson, Sidney, 120
Tomlinson, William, 119
Tomlinson and Andrews Brick and
Tile Co., 120
Tomlinson, English and Co., 119
Tomlinson Manufacturing Co., 120
Tomlinson Tannery, 120
Tom’s Creek Bridge, 199
Toomes family, 138
Totero Fort, 16
Town, Ithiel, 113
Town Creek State Historic Site, 15
Townsend, J. W., 118
Trinity, 9, 56, 58, 59, 72, 35, 94, 115-119, 124, 152, 202, 208, 218
Trinity Archive. 124
Trinity Baptist Church, 119
Trinity Broom Works, 119
Trinity College, 56, 57, 95, 115-117, 118, 124
Trinity College Methodist Episcopal Church, 119
Trinity Elementary School (Negro), 209
Trinity Grange, 230
Trinity Guards, 85-86, 115
Trinity High School, 115, 117, 119, 152, 205, 206
Trinity No. 1 School, 211
Trinity No. 2 School, 211
Trinity Ruritan Club, 222
Trinity School, 211
Trinity Senior High School, 208-210, 211, 228
Trinity Township, 66, 117, 129, 131, 132, 152, 197
Trogdon, R. F., 124
Trogdon (Trogden), Samuel, Sr., 56
Trogdon, Ward, 100
Trogdon family, 183
Trogdons School, 211
Troughdon, Ezekeel, 38
Troy, John B., 56, 76, 77, 78
Troy, Capt. Robert P., 85, 93
Troy’s, JohnB., Store, 57, 157
Troys School, 56
Tryon, William, 30-33
Tryon Palace, 30
Tucker, William, 152
Tunker-Baptists, 27
Turlington Act, 217
Turner, John Tyler, 87, 103
Turner, Picket, 151
Ty singer family, 183
Tyson, Aaron, 56, 82
Tyson, Bryan, 82
Tysor family, 183
Tysor Millinery Store, 126

Ulah, 121
Ulah School, 211
Ulah Volunteer Fire Dept., 144
Underwood, Bill, 229
Underwood, George Co., 103
Underwood, James T., 190
Union Carbide, 162, 168
Union Factory, 76, 80, 95, 121, 122
Union Grove School, 211
Union Institute, 56, 57, 115-117
Union Institute Educational Society, 115, 118
Union Manufacturing Co., 76
Union No. 1 School, 211
Union School, 21 1
Union Township, 129, 131, 133, 175
United Appeal, 224, 235
United Brass Works, 154
United Daughters of the Confederacy, 223
United Products, 170
United States Forest Service, 10, 135
U. S. Industries, Inc., 154
United States Marine Corps, 181
United States Women’s Army Corps, 181
United Telephone Co., 149
Unity Parish (Guilford County), 29
University of North Carolina Library, North Carolina Room, 4
Upton, Jack, 150
Upton, Will, 150
Uwharrie Friends Meeting, 26, 27, 72
Uwharrie Mountains, 6, 9, 131
Uwharrie National Forest, 10, 135
“Uwharrie Rifles”, 85, 93
Uwharrie (Uharee) River, 9, H, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 131, 135, 143, 199
Uwharrie Road Bridge, 199
Uwharrie School, 211
Uwharrie Trail Club, 135

Vance, J. B., and Co., 40
Vance, Zebulon Baird, 82-87, 89, 94, 124
Vanderford, John J., 84, 88
Varner, Bernard, 204
Varner, Pvt. J. G., 93
Varner, Reggie, 204
Varner, Samuel, 204
Varner Brothers Farm, 202
Verden, Mrs. W. W., 70
Vernon, Charlie, 123
Vestal, C. M., 93, 97
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 223
Veterans Service Office, 140
Vickory, Addison W., 94, 95
Vickrey family, 138
Victory gardens, 180
Viet Nam, 182
Virginia, 14, 16, 24, 35, 38, 66, 72, 73, 83, 86, 87, 119, 131, 137, 179
Von Tex Hosiery Mils, 170
Voncannon, Callie, 204.
Vuncannon, Fannie, 208
Vuncannon, Jeff, 136

Wachovia Settlement, 16, 32
Waco 10 (bl-plane), 195
Waddell, Gen. Hugh, 32
Waddell, Sandy, 122
Waddell (Waddles), 137
Waddells Ferry, 199
Walnman, C. Sltngsley, 107, 110
Walden, Anderson, 73
Walden, Islay, 107
Walden, John C., 73
Walden, Standford B., 73
Walden, William, 73
Walden, William D., 73
Walker, B. B., 151
Walker, Hal W., 176
Walker, Harriette Hammer, 221
Walker, Dr. J. 0., 97
Walker, James Ed, 94, 95, 99, 124
Walker, Jesse E., 58, 62, 70, 76
Walker, Robert, 55
Walker, Russell, 191
Walker, Samuel, 22, 32, 56
Walker, Thomas, 68
Walker, B. B., Co., 151, 170
Walker House, 97
Walker Ford, 199
Walker’s Mill, 32
Wall, Miss (Parthena?), 70
Wall, A. A., 122
Wall, Solomon, 55, 58, 70
Wall, Mrs. Solomon, 70
Wall family, 182
Walnut Grove School, 211
Walters, Private William F., 84
War Mothers, 223
Warburton, Professor, 105, 150-151
Ward, Earlene Vestal, 214
Ward, Wesley A., 150, 151
Ward, Wiley, 152, 164
Ward, William, 24, 38
Wardens of the Poor, 40, 65-66, 93
Warner, Anne E., 107
Warner, Yardley, 107
Watkins, E. C., 102
Watkins, J. C., 152
Watkins, Jesse, 44
Watkins, W. H., 103, 150, 180
Watkins, William, 120
Watts, William M., 168
Way, James, 204
Weatherly, David, 150
Weatherly family, 182
Weaver, Logan, 94
Wee-Sox Hosiery Mils, 152-153
Weeks, Dick, Construction Co., 170
Weeks, Stephen B., 93
Weiman Furniture Co., 150, 185
Welborn, Lt. C. H., 93
Welborn, Mrs. E., 118
Welborn, Mrs. John S., 58
Welborn, Joseph, 55, 58
Welborn, Martha, 58
Welborn, R. C, 221
Welborn, W. K., 118
Welborne Chapel Baptist Church, 50
Welborne, Edward, 24
Welch, J. J., 113
Welch School, 211
Wells, Richard, 4
Wells Hosiery Mill, 170
West Bend School, 212
West Brothers, 121
Weston, Dr. B. M., 191
Wheatmore, 118
Wheatmore Baptist Church, 119
Wheatmore School, 206, 211
Wheeler, Jesse, 76, 77, 78
Whit, Inc., 167
Whitaker, L. L., 167
Whitaker, Wiley M., 167
White, H. H., 120
White, Isaac, 55, 120
White, J. J., 118
White, J. T., 120
White, Logan, 4
White, Lon, 118
White, Mary A., 118
White, Mrs. Susan, 118
White, Wilson, 120
Whitehead, Charles G., 180
Whitehead, W. N., 103
White’s Chapel Schoolhouse, 134
Whiting, Gen. W. H. C, 88, 90
Whitley, Maddux, 231
Why Not, 121, 137, 222, 234
Why Not Academy, 114
Why Not School, 211
Wilbourne, William, Jr., 24
Wilburn, Jacob, 39
Wiles, E. A., 97
Wiley, William, 80
Wilkerson, Dr. C. E., 156
Wilkerson, Mrs. C. E., 156
Wilkerson Hospital, 226
Williams, Capt. Edward, 36, 37
Williams, Elijah, 56
Williams, James, 41
Williams, Joel, 152
Williams, John, 40
Williams, Mamie, 185
Williams, Michael, 56, 57
Williams, Milton, 199
Williams, Nathaniel, 40
Williams, Pvt. W. M., 93
Williams, Pvt. Zimri, 93
Williams, G. W., Co., 78, 101
Williams, J. M., Bridge, 199
Williamson, John, 102
Wilson, J. H., 97
Wilson, W. M., 120
Wilson, Wesley D., 43, 44-
Wilson, William, 57
Winborne, Richard W., 47
Winn, Charles St. George, 107, 110
Winningham, Pvt. A. J., 93
Winningham, Gaius, 81
Winningham family, 182
Winslow, Gilly, 46
Winslow, James, 118
Winslow, Jonathan P., 76
Winslow, T. J., 124
Winslow, Dr. Thomas L., 118
Winslow family, 182
Wise, Naomi, Ballad of, 123
Witherington, John, 38
Wolf, John, 55
Wood, Abraham, 14
Wood, E. Lee, 141
Wood, John K., 149
Wood, Jones K,, 55
Wood, Reuben, 40
Wood, Samuel, Sr., 55
Wood, Sgt. T. J., 93
Wood, W. P., 99, 174
Wood, Zebedee, 40, 41, 55
Wood and Moring Store, 1 61 , 163, 190, 191
Wood Milling and Manufacturing Co., 119
Wood, W. P., and Co., 125, 126, 161
Woodmen of the World, 223
Wood’s Branch Bridge, 199
Woodward, Eli, 23
Woody, J. W., 72
Woollen, Dr. C. W., 52, 76, 121
Woollen, Dr. W. A., 94, 97
Woolman, John, 234
Woonsocket Woolen Mills, 151
Woosley, 0. V., 212
Works Progress Administration, 178
World War II, European Theater, 180
World War II, Gas ration book and coupons, 1 79
World War II, Pacific Theater, 180, 182
World War II, War Bond sales, 179
Worsley, Timothy, 76, 77, 78
Worth, Mrs. Allie H. (Mrs. T. C), 100
Worth, B. G., 47
Worth, Daniel, 52-53
Worth, David G., 88
Worth, Delphina, 70
Worth, Elizabeth Swaim, 52
Worth, Elvira, see Moffitt, Elvira
Worth, Kal M., 90, 95, 98
Worth, John Milton, 47, 62, 70, 82, 84, 88, 89, 90, 98, 100, 121, 124, 126, 214
Worth, Mrs. John Milton, 70
Worth, Jonathan, 44-, 46, 48, 50, 55-58, 62, 64, 70, 71, 76, 80-85, 87-91, 92-93, 94, 124, 126
Worth, Mrs. Jonathan, 50, 70
Worth, Joseph Addison, S3, 121
Worth, Laura Stlmson (Mrs. Hal M. ) , 195, 214, 225
Worth, Louisa, 50
Worth, Mary, 70
Worth, Capt. Shubal Gardner, 47, 71, 85, 90
Worth, Thomas C., 95, 96, 98, 156
Worth family, 182
Worth, J. Sc J. A., 43
Worth Manufacturing Co., 98, 99, 152, 184
Worth ville, 47, 98-99, 104, 138, 152, 156, 198, 199
Worthville Baptist Church, 98
Worthville Bridge, 99, 112
Worthville Community Center, 230
Worthville Methodist Episcopal Church, 98
Worthville School, 205, 211
Wray, Alexander, 120
Wren, James C, 55
Wrenn family, 137
Wrenn’s General Store, 138
Wright, Pvt. David, 93
Wright, Frank, 150
Wright, James, 121
Wright, Richard, 24
Wright, W. M., Saw Mill, 159
Wrightsell, J. W., and Co., 121
Wrike family, 182

Y.M.C.A., 224, 230-231
Yadkin River, 9, 14, 16, 24
Yates Country Ham, 191
Yates, F. Ogburn, 191
Yates, F. Ogburn, Jr., 191
York, Aaron, 38
York, Brantley, 49, 50, 55-58, 107, 115, 121
York, Ed L., 217
York, Edmond, 38
York, Gordon H., 194-195
York, Henry, 24, 102
York, J. A., 194
York, J. D., 150
York, Pvt. J. L., 93
York, James, 194, 200
York, Jeremiah, 157
York, John W., 44
York, Joseph, 24
York, Pvt. Joseph, 93
York, Larkin C., 57
York, Semore, 24
York, Shubal, 66
York, W. C, 237
York, Lt. William, 36
York family, 31, 182
York Hosiery, Inc., 170
Younts-Luck Auto Co., 221
Yourk, William, 38
Yow, Henry, 56
Yow family, 182
Yow’s Mill Bridge, 199

Zooland Hosiery Mill, Inc., 170
Zoological Society, 224


Randolph County NC,


History of Randolph County, 1779-1979 – Access Genealogy (2025)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.