Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Editio..., Smythe, Rachel • EUR 25,31 (2024)

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  • Condition: Ottime condizioni
  • Format: books
  • Publisher: Cornerstone
  • ISBN: 1529909880
  • EAN: 9781529909883
  • Weight: 1196 grams
  • Author: Smythe, Rachel
  • Produktart: Hardback
  • Autor: Smythe, Rachel
  • Release Title: Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Edition: Rachel Smythe
  • Artist: Smythe, Rachel
  • Musiktitel: Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Edition: Rachel Smythe
  • Film-/Fernseh-Titel: Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Edition: Rachel Smythe
  • Zeitschriftentitel: Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Edition: Rachel Smythe
  • Sprache: English
  • Buchtitel: Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Edition: Rachel Smythe

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Lore Olympus: Volume Four: UK Editio..., Smythe, Rachel • EUR 25,31 (2024)


Is there a Lore Olympus volume 4? ›

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Witness what the gods do after dark in the fourth volume of a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology, featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes content from creator Rachel Smythe.

Can a 13 year old read Lore Olympus? ›

I recommend for at least 14 and up though. This book was so good! It was a perfect mix of greek mythology and modern day NYC. It has some language so be careful if you are not comfortable with that.

Is Lore Olympus child friendly? ›

Liliana Brown Lore Olympus (though a good book) contains adult language and deals with things such as sexual trauma that may not be appropriate for young readers. Lore Olympus uses heavy language in the first two issues but it lightens up around the third book.

Is Lore Olympus complete? ›

Lore Olympus is on its final arc. The final episode is 280 and is scheduled to be published via FastPass on the 11th of May 2024. I'm working on a future message to express my gratitude and thank the many people who have helped during this incredible journey. - Rachel.

Will there be a volume 5 of Lore Olympus? ›

We're thrilled to be continuing with Illumicrate editions of the newest instalments in this beloved series, matching our editions of Volumes 1 – 4. Our Illumicrate Exclusive: Lore Olympus Volumes 5 & 6 editions feature: An exclusive cover for Volume 5. Ombre sprayed edges.

Is Lore Olympus a TV show? ›

This will be a TV show based off of a comic from WEBTOON.

Why is Olympus falling Rated R? ›

The R is for very graphic violence and language.

Is the Lore book clean? ›

The book follows protagonist Melora "Lore" Perseous, who thought she had left the bloody competition behind but is pulled back in when her childhood best friend and the Goddess Athena both ask for her help. Violence can be graphic and bloody, from decapitation to stabbing to torture of adults and children.

Is Lore for kids? ›

This TV show is for mature children

The only scary episode on season 1 is about a man who mistakes his wife for a witch.

How many kids does Zeus have in Lore Olympus? ›

Stories suggest at least 41 of Zeus's children were gods or goddesses, sharing the family's mystical powers across Mount Olympus for many generations. His most famous divine daughters include Aphrodite, goddess of love, Athena, goddess of war, and Persephone, the goddess of spring.

Is Hades appropriate for 12 year olds? ›

This game is a really fun action packed game and it is filled with story. The violence is kind of hard to see because when you attack something, many things happen at the same time so kids won't be able to see much of the violence. But overall I think it is good for 12 and Up.

Is Greek mythology suitable for kids? ›

There's something so compelling about Greek mythology for both kids and adults. Whether your child is just starting to get into Greek mythology or has become a super fan already and wants more stories about these gods and goddesses, these are some favorites.

Who is the wife of Hades? ›

Persephone/Kore (Περσεφόνη/ Κόρη) is a goddess, Demeter's daughter by Zeus, wife of Hades, and queen of the underworld. Her most important myth is that of her abduction by Hades, her father's brother.

Did Persephone love Hades? ›

Orpheus and Eurydice's love is characterized by youthful passion and idealism, their belief in the power of love is both beautiful and tragic in its naivety. Conversely, Hades and Persephone's love is marked by maturity, compromise, and a sense of realism borne out of their long, complicated history.

How old is Hades? ›

He was born not long after the creation of the world. He is the eldest son of Cronus and Rhea, and he is younger than his three sisters, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. Hades is immortal and does not age. He is most often depicted to look like a man at the peak of his strength and maturity.

Is there an Olympus Has Fallen 4? ›

Night Has Fallen is the upcoming sequel to Angel Has Fallen. It will be the fourth film in the Has Fallen film series.

How many Olympus books are there? ›

The five books in the series were The Lost Hero (2010), The Son of Neptune (2011), The Mark of Athena (2012), The House of Hades (2013), and The Blood of Olympus (2014).

What did Minthe do in Lore Olympus volume 4? ›

Minthe then reveals she is responsible for reporting Persephone to Zeus and sent her to Tartarus to get rid of her. Persephone overhears her and begins to chase after her in rage, with Hades following.

Who is the AI in Lore Olympus? ›

Aetna is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) that assists Hephaestus. She later becomes Hades' personal assistant. Although she is an AI, she presents as a Nymph. She first appears in Episode 142.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.